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The difference is that in a diagram that is heterogeneous there are many different shapes in the diagram, whereas in homogeneous diagrams all the shapes in the diagram are exactly the same.

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In a homogeneous mixture, the components are uniformly distributed and not visually distinguishable, forming a single phase. In a heterogeneous mixture, the components are not uniformly distributed, leading to visible differences or phases within the mixture. In a diagram, this difference would be represented by a uniform composition in a homogeneous mixture and distinct regions of different compositions in a heterogeneous mixture.

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Q: What is the difference between a homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures in a diagram?
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How is a heterogeneous mixture different from a homogeneous mixture?

Homogeneous mixtures have uniform composition and properties throughout and are known as solutions. For e.g, when sugar/salt is dissolved in water it forms a solution in which the sugar/salt and water are uniformly mixed (the sugar is dissolved uniformly in water). e.g.airHeterogenous mixtures are those which aren't uniform in composition and properties throughout e.g. granite which consists of quartz, feldspar and mica and you can identify each of the substances sepaately in the mixture. Heterogeneous mixtures can be suspensions or colloids.NOTE: None of these mixtures are compounds.Homogeneous mixtures contain a single phase, whereas heterogeneous mixtures have many phases. ~IHATEe2020~

What is Heterogeneous Bone Density of several ribs?

Heterogeneous bone density in several ribs refers to uneven distribution of bone mineral density within the ribs. This can be seen on imaging studies like DXA scans or CT scans, and may indicate underlying conditions such as osteoporosis, fractures, or infections affecting the ribs. Further evaluation is usually needed to determine the specific cause and appropriate treatment.

What can be separated by chemical means but not by physical means?

A chemical compound, such as salt, can be separated into its individual elements through chemical reactions, but not through physical processes like filtration or distillation. This is because chemical means involve breaking and forming bonds between atoms in the compound, which physically separating the compound cannot achieve.

What is the difference between succeeding terms called?

The difference between succeeding terms in a sequence is called the common difference in an arithmetic sequence, and the common ratio in a geometric sequence.

What does dominant heterogeneous culture means?

A dominant heterogeneous culture refers to a society where one group or culture holds power and influence over others, while various different cultures and identities exist within the overall social framework. This can result in disparities in power, privilege, and opportunities between the dominant culture and other marginalized groups.

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The difference between homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures is that chemical bonds are formed in homogeneous mixtures?

Actually, the main difference is in their uniformity. Homogeneous mixtures have uniform composition throughout, while heterogeneous mixtures have distinct phases with visible boundaries. Chemical bonds are not a defining factor for distinguishing between these types of mixtures.

What is the difference between homogeneous mixtures and heterogeneous mixtures?

In every point of a homogeneous mixture the concentration remains unalter, but the concentration is different for hetrogeneous mixture.

How are homogeneous and heterogeneous similar?

Homogeneous and heterogeneous are both terms used to describe mixtures. Homogeneous mixtures have uniform composition throughout, whereas heterogeneous mixtures have uneven composition with visible boundaries between the components.

Distinguish between homogeneous and heterogeneous?

Heterogeneous mixtures do not have a uniform composition, while homogeneous mixtures do have a uniform composition. Beef stew is an example of a heterogeneous mixture, while salt water is an example of a homogeneous mixture.

What is the main difference between a homogeneous mixture and a heterogeneous mixture?

Homogeneous mixtures contain only one substance, like Coke.Heterogeneous mixtures contain two or more substances, like salad dressing.

What is the difference between a homogeneous catalyst and a heterogeneous catalyst?

The difference between a homogeneous and a heterogeneous catalyst is that in a heterogeneous catalyst, it is in a different phase from the reactants. However, in a homogeneous catalyst, it is in the same phase as the reactants.

What is the difference between homogeneous and hetrogeneous?

Homogeneous refers to a system that has uniform composition or properties throughout, while heterogeneous refers to a system with varying composition or properties in different regions. In a homogeneous mixture, the components are evenly distributed and not easily distinguished, whereas in a heterogeneous mixture, the components can be visually distinct. Homogeneous mixtures are often solutions, while heterogeneous mixtures include suspensions and colloids.

What is the difference between heterogeneous mixtures and homogeneous mixtures?

Homogeneous mixture is a mixture that you cannot identify any substances because it's components is uniform while heterogeneous mixture is a mixture that you can identify the substances because it's components is not uniform and it varies.

Difference between homogeneous and hetertgeneous?

homogeneous = same and the heterogeneous = different

What is the difference between homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures?

Homogeneous is a single phase mixture that means we observe only one state and material shows same properties on all of its part while heterogeneous material consists of at least two phases that means two different visible states.

How are homogeneous mixture and heterogeneous mixture similar?

one way to tell the difference between homogeneous and heterogeneous is that homogeneous is clear and heterogeneous isn't. by alison the 7th grader