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  1. These are very small bodies surrounded by single secret an enzyme TANSFERASE which form H2O2(by transfer of hydrogen and water) but immediately catalase enzyme convert it into water.
  2. They are found in liver & kidney cell which metablize alcohol.

3.In plant they takepart in CATABOLIC AND ANABOLIC processes.


  1. They are found in plants.
  2. they secret an enzyme which activate the molecules(photosynthesis).
  3. they are produce for short period of time only in germination of seed.
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Peroxisomes have crystaline core.It has oxidative reductive enzymes.Lysosmes contain hydrolitic enzymes with liquid core

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Enzyme composition

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Q: What is the difference between peroxisomes and glyoxysomes?
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What do peoxisomes do?

If you mean peroxisomes, in animal cells they carry the enzymes needed for biosynthetic pathways, metabolic pathways, and detoxification. In some plant cells they are called glyoxysomes and carry enzymes for glyoxylate cycle.

What is the function of glyoxysome?

The control and catalyse the decomposition of a compound by stages; specifically storage fat. Then channel the products towards the synthesis of numerous carbon compounds or carbohydrates. They are very important during growth because they help to synthesis new cell walls.

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Are glyoxysomes in animal cells?

Glycolysis occur both in plants as well as animals.All living organisms need energy for carrying out life processes.Only green plants(cells containing chloroplasts) and cyanobacteria can prepare their own food.Glucose is main component utilised for energy.In any case,all living organisms retain enzymatic machinary to partially oxidise glucose by a process called glycolysis

Is glyoxysomes a componet of mitochondria?

No,it is not.It is a seperate organell.

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Is glyoxysome is an organelle?

Yes glyoxysomes is an organelle.these are found in plants.

Is peroxisomes a type of exocrine gland?

Peroxisomes are not glands.They are small organells.

Do peroxisomes self replicate?

Yes, according to the Internet, peroxisomes do self-replicate.

What cell structure detoxifies alcohol?

smooth endoplasmic reticulum

What Detoxify alcohol and hydrogen peroxide?

Peroxisomes detoxifies alcohol and hydrogen peroxide

What does a peroxisomes do?

Peroxisomes protect a cell from pecoxide(toxic) Breaks it down into oxygen and water they basically get rid of the toxic waste called pecoxide and turn it into oxygen and water, hope this helped:)