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Q: What is the division of the M phase called?
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What is division of the cytoplasm during the m phase called?


What phase of the cell cycle occurs when the cell is actually growing?

G2: when a cell continues to grow and prepares itself for cell division; and M: the phase where the cell divides itself into two genetically identical daughter cells. The M phase involves both a nuclear division (called mitosis) and a cytoplasmic division (called cytokinesis).

Final preparation for cell division are made during the life cycle subphase called?

G2 because cell division happens during the M phase. the order is G1, S, G2, M phase.

What is the division of cytoplasm during the M phase?

the answer is parts of cells

Which activity happens during the ''m' phase?

cell division

What two processes does M phase consist of?

Division of the nucleus (karyokinesis) and division of the cytoplasm (cytokinesis).

Where is the phase where cell division occurs?

Chromosome separation and the cyto-kinetic movement of Cytoplasmic components including the Cell's Membrane occurs during The M Phase.

The stage just preceding nuclear and cytoplasmic division is the?

M phase

Which activity happens during M phase?

Cell division gradpoint

Mitosis also known as?

The M phase in cell cycle is the mitosis phase, where the cell performs mitosis.

What happens during m phase (mitosis) of the cell cycle?

Nuclear division by mitosis or meiosis

What follows g2 phase?

The G2 phase is immediately preceded by the S ( DNA synthesis for chromosome duplication) phase, and is followed by the M (mitosis, or cell division) stage.