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electrical signal

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The electrical message that travels along a neuron is called an action potential. It is a brief change in electrical voltage that travels down the length of the neuron, allowing for communication between neurons and the transmission of signals throughout the nervous system.

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Action Potentials

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The action potential

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Q: What is the electrical message that travels along a neuron?
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What is the message that travels through the neuron?

An Impulse

The message that travels through a neuron?

The message that travels through a neuron is an electrical impulse called an action potential. It is generated when the neuron is stimulated and travels along the neuron's axon, facilitated by the movement of charged ions. This ultimately allows the neuron to communicate with other neurons or target cells.

What is signal sending a neuron called?

The signal sent by a neuron is called an action potential. This electrical impulse travels along the neuron's axon and triggers the release of neurotransmitters at the synapse to communicate with other neurons or target cells.

A neuron transmits a nerve impulse as a wave of?

A neuron transmits a nerve impulse as a wave of electrical activity called an action potential. This action potential travels along the length of the neuron's axon and triggers the release of neurotransmitters at the synapse, allowing communication between neurons.

What is the message a neuron carries?

nerve impulses

What is the message sent down the neuron called?

What they relay is whether of not they were 'on' or 'off' and how often; and this occurs as an action potential firing frequency. There is no message in the sense that neurons might pass on complex messages, like an email for instance; or store memories of events and facts. No one neuron can do anything like that. It takes many neurons working together to achieve this.

What are the main roles played by axon?

conducts electrical impulses away from the neuron's cell body or soma. It is basically what the nerve impulse travels along.

What is a change that initiates an electrochemical message along a neuron?

When a neuron is stimulated, ions move across its membrane, creating a change in the electrical potential of the neuron. This change, known as an action potential, is propagated along the neuron's axon, allowing for the transmission of electrochemical signals.

What does an action potential refer to as?

An action potential is basically the message which is sent by the neuron down the axon towards synapse.In other words it is the impulse or the electrical signal that travels along the axon due to difference in the positive and negative charges inside and outside of the axon wall.

When you want to move your arm your brain sends a message where does the message go?

The message, in the form of electrical signals, travels along nerve fibers called motor neurons from the brain to the muscles that control arm movement. These signals release neurotransmitters at the neuromuscular junction, stimulating muscle fibers to contract and produce the desired movement.

What is the small change in the charge across a neuron's membrane called?

The small change in the charge across a neuron's membrane is known as the action potential. It is a brief electrical impulse that travels along the neuron's membrane, allowing for the transmission of signals between neurons.

What steps involved in transmitting the impulse from one neuron to another and then to the muscle fiber?

Brain send the message via nerve impulses involving neurons which use the neuro-transmitter AcetylcholineEach nerve impulse begins in the dendrites of a neuron's. the impulse move rapidly toward the neuron's cell body and then down the axon until it reaches the axon tip.a nerve impulse travels along the neuron in the form of electrical and chemical signals.Acetylcholine- a neurotransmitter released at the neuromuscular junction triggers a muscle action potential, which leads to muscle contraction