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Roota have small fibres called root hair which absorbs water and nutrients.The water and nutrients are then caried to plant's different parts and is used by every part

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Q: What is the function of a root system?
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What are the two classifications of the parts of the plant and their function?

underground root system and aerial root shoot system

What is a function of a plants root system to help it stay in place?


What is the function of the coconut palm root?

The function of the root in the coconut is the same as in most plants, it anchors the plant to the soil and provides a means (through the root system) to absorb water and nutrients from the soil.

What function do the organs under the aerial root system perform?

The organs of aerial root system absorb moisture from the air and some cases help the plant in climbing up.

What is the main organ in the root system?

The root system itself is an organ system. Plants have two organ systems: the root system and the shoot system. The root system consists of the ground meristem, root cap, endodermis, epidermis, parenchyma, etc in the roots. The shoot system consists of the main stalk, branchings, leaves, etc.

Whbat is the function of the root cap?

The function of the root cap is to protect and cover the growing tip of the root.

What is the function of the root cap epidermis and root hair?

Root cap epidermis's function is protection while that of root hair is absorption .

What is the difference between nyquist and root locus?

Nyquist Criteria describe a systems stability as a function of frequency response. Much like Bode plots do. Root-locus describe a systems stability as a function of system gain.

What types of roots does jowar have?

The root system of the Jowar plant can be divided into a primary and secondary root system. The primary system has a primary root that develops from the germinating seedling and provides the seedling with water and nutrients required for growth. The primary root is short-lived, and the function of the primary root is taken over by a secondary root system. The secondary system develops from the root crowns that are located just under or above the soil. The root system of an adult Jowar plant is made of secondary adventitious roots. Lateral roots develop from the secondary adventitious roots and penetrate the soil in all directions.

What is the root word of function?

Good that you thought of it... unfortunately there is no root word of function... because if you think of it for a long time... function is there's no word go with function, so, if you say functional, the root or base word is function. :):

Was the root system that does not consist of one prominent main root?

A fibrous root system is the opposite of the tap root system (one main root).

How can a new function be created by composing two existing functions?

You use the output of the first function as the input of the second function. For example, if your functions are sin() (the sine function) and root() (the square root function), you can combine them as:sin(root(x)) or: root(sin(x))