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Centrioles-Found in all protistans & animal cell capable of cell division.They have their own DNA & RNA. Basal bodies are produced initially in a cell by the centrioles which are concerned with production of cilia & flagella.Centrioles are concerned primarily with the mechanics of cell division. Chromosomes-These are microscopic,threadlike body composed of chromatin and that appears in the nucleus of a cell at the time of cell division.Chromosomes contains the genes & normally are constant in number within the species.It's basic function is to carry hereditary materials across generations.

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Lysosomes have acidic insides to house their inner hydrolytic enzymes which are released to digest organelles that no longer function properly. Or lysosomes fuse with endocytic vacuoles containing phagocytised pathogens that are then digested by the lysosome's enzymes. Centrioles travel to opposite sides of the nucleus (whose nuclear envelope disintegrates) during mitosis and meiosis. Their function is to form the spindle fibres, and critically, pull chromosomes by their centromeres to opposite sides (poles) before cytokinesis can commence. Cytokinesis partitions the now divorced chromosomes into separate cells, accomplished with the help of the centrioles that pulled the chromosomes along.

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Q: What is the function of chromosomes and centrioles?
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What is the function of a centriole?

Centrioles are only found in animal cells. Their funcion to arrange (or help arrange) the chromosomes in a cell so that the cell can split with an even amount of chromosomes when it reporduces.

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What of the function of centriole?

two rod-shaped bodies near the nucleus; the basic of cilia.Centrioles are organelles present in animal What_do_centrioles_do. Plant cells lack centrioles but possess an analogous region called microtubule organizing region having same function as centrioles . centrioles organize mitotic apparatus which consists of asters and spindle fibers which help in division of chromosomes

What is the function of an aster?

Asters are microtubules(components of the cellular cytoskeleton) produced by centrioles. Their function is to hold the two centrioles in place at the two poles of the cell during cell division(mitosis). Spindle fibres produced by the centrioles are also microtubules which help in organising chromosomes at the equatorial plane of the cell during metaphase. Mitosis in which asters are formed is called astral mitosis.

When does the spindle attaches to what structure?

the spindles attach to chromosomes and centrioles

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One cell turns into two.A DNA split.Division.It doesn't happen in gametes (sex cells).Mitosis involves the chromosomes to undergo replication and separation in to two identical units to form two daughter nuclei.

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CENTRIOLES Centrioles are barrel-shaped rings composed of microtubules that help move chromosomes around when a cell divides. Centrioles are involved in microtubule formation during cell division and the formation of cilia and flagela.

Which structure pull the chromosomes to opposite sides of the cell in anaphase?

During cell division, the centrioles on either side of the cell produce a fiber-like spindle that attaches to the chromosomes and pulls them apart.

What important structure are found inside the nucleus cell?

DNA in the form of chromosomes, and centrioles