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Mucus secreted by goblet cells trap the foreign particles. Cilia push the particles out wards. This protects your lungs from damage by the foreign particles.

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Q: What is the function of globlet cells and cilia in trachea?
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What is the protective function of the cilia and goblet cells of the trachea?

Mucus secreted by goblet cells trap the foreign particles. Cilia push the particles out wards. This protects your lungs from damage by the foreign particles.

What types of tissue can have cilia?

The parts of the body that have ciliated columnar epithelium include the nose, the trachea, and the uterine tube. The cilia in the nose and trachea help expel foreign particles that should not enter the lungs while the cilia in the uterine tube help move the egg and sperm to the Fallopian tube.

The trachea is lined with what?

The trachea is lined with a moist mucous-membrane layer made up of cells containing small hairs called cilia. The cilia project into the channel (lumen) of the trachea to trap particles. There are also cells and ducts in the mucous-membrane that secrete mucus droplets and water molecules.Cilia are whiplike, motile cellular extensions that occur, typically in large numbers, on exposed surfaces of certain cells. In the trachea, ciliated cells that line the respiratory tract propel mucus laden with dust particle and bacteria upward away from the lungs. Centrioles, referred to as basal bodies, are the originating source of cilia.

The tracheal epithelium is ciliated and has goblet cells what is the function of each of these modifications?

The function of the goblet cells are to secrete mucus which will trap any dust particles and bacteria that may have been inhaled. The cilia work together with the goblet cells by beating, pushing the mucus liquid up, out of the trachea with the dust particles ad bacteria that need to be removed from the body. This beating action by the cilia is known as the 'sweeping action'.

What is the function of cell lining the trachea?

The cilia are always moving, bacteria or particles of dust trapped in the mucus are moved away by cilia. The cilia waft the mucus containing bacteria and dust up to the back of the throat, so that it doesn't block up the trachea and thus keeps it clean.

What cells line the trachea?

The cilia are always moving, bacteria or particles of dust trapped in the mucus are moved away by cilia. The cilia waft the mucus containing bacteria and dust up to the back of the throat, so that it doesn't block up the trachea and thus keeps it clean.

What structure sweeps mucus and pathogens from the nasal cavities and trachea to the pharynx?

Beating ciliated epithelial cells

What is the function of cilia in larynx?

The cilia in the trachea move in a rhythmatic motion and the mucus produced by gland cells which traps foreign unwanted particles, like bacteria etc, is moved up to the pharynx where it is either coughed out or swallowed.

What is the trachea lined with to sweep away particles and dust?

The trachea is lined with ciliated columnar epithelium, which has hundreds of tiny hairs called cilia.

What do cilia trap?

I've just started this in biology, the cilia are tiny hairs that cover the ciliated epithelial cells which are found in airways. I think they trap mucus but I'm not sure if they trap anything else lol that was what i was looking for but then i came accross this question :L hope that helps though! x

How is the trachea adapted to its function?


What is the tube held open by rings of cartilage lined with cilia and mucous membrane?

The trachea.