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function of areolar tissue in the stomach

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Q: What is the function of loose connective tissue in the stomach?
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Related questions

What is a connectve tissue?

Connective tissue, as it names suggests, has a 'connective' function. It supports and binds tissues in the body. There are three types of connective tissue. 1. Loose - most common. Collagen, elastic, reticular fibres. 2. Dense (or fibrous) - tendons and ligaments 3. Specialised - e.g. adipose (fat) tissue is a type of specialised loose connective tissue.

The least specialized connective tissue in the adult body is?

loose connective tissue

Is blood considered to be loose connective tissue or circulating connective tissue?


Is adipose tissue loose connective tissue?

Yes, it is.

What connective tissue types forms the framework of the spleen lymph nodes and bone marrow?

Reticular connective tissue

What tissue forms delicate thin layers between muscles?

Areolar tissue which is a loose connective tissue.

Is adipose a connective tissue?

Yes adipose, also known as fat, is a loose connective tissue.

What is another name for Loose Connective tissue?

Loose connective tissue has irregular arrangements of fibers and a lot of ground substance. It is similar to packaging material. It is also called areolar tissue.

What are the types of dense connective tissues?

a. loose connective tissue 1. aerolalar connective tissue 2.adipose tissue 3.retigular connective tissue b. Dense connective tissue 1.dense irregular connective tissue 2.dense regular connective tissue 3.elastic connective tissue

Tissue that holds parts of the body together?

Connective tissue hold structures together.

Tissue that provides support and connects body parts?

The group of tissue with the two types, soft and hard tissue, is connective tissue. Loose connective tissue and fibrous connective tissue hold your body parts together.

What tissue contains jellylike intercellular material?

loose connective tissue