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the leaf will store and give food to the plant cell

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Q: What is the functions of leaf plant cell?
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Why are cell walls and chloroplasts present in plant cells?

For the cell wall, it is present in the plant because it functions is to keep the cell its shape. Example: leaf - it has its shape because it has cell wall. For the chloroplast, it is present in the plant cell because it functions is to trap sunlight for the plant to photosynthesize. Example: leaf - it makes food for the plant with the help of the chloroplast

Is a leaf cell a plant or an animal cell?

A leaf cell is a plant cell. All plant cells have a cell wall and a cell membrane.

Is a leaf cell a plant cell or a animal cell?

A leaf cell is a plant cell. All plant cells have a cell wall and a cell membrane.

Is a leaf a plant or animal cell?

Leaf is a plant.

Does a leaf cell contain cell membrane?

No, a leaf is part of a plant. Therefore the leaf is made up of "plant" cells. So it has a cell wall.

Where is the plant leaf cell found?

a plant leaf does not have just one cell. it has multiple cells, that is what plants are made of.

What bit of the plant would you find a leaf cell in?

Generally, leaf cells are found in the leaf of a plant.

What is the function of starch in a leaf?

The function of starch in the leaf is to provide energy for the cell for the different functions. When the starch in the plant cells degrades, carbon is released so that it can be utilized in the production of sucrose.

Is a chloroplast in a plant cell?

Yes. It is in a leaf cell on the plant and collects light for photosynthesis.

What has a cell wall a nerve cell a leaf cell a cheek cell or a bone cell?

Leaf Cell, only plant cells have cell walls

Where in the cell of a leaf is chlorophyll found?

it is found no where in the plant cell

Is the leaf of a plant a cell?

Leaf is not a cell.It is made up of cells.