

What is the functions of tongue?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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11y ago

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The tongue aids in moving food in the mouth, chewing and swallowing. It rolls food into balls and pushes them to the back of the buccal cavity for swallowing. It can help you get food out of your teeth.

The sense of taste begins with taste receptors on the tongue. Taste buds are found on the upper part.

It gives us the ability to speak and pronounce words.

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11y ago
  • Helps with mechanical digestion by moving the food around the mouth while chewing, as well as forming the bolus (roundish ball of chewed food mixed with saliva) and pushing this bolus to the back of the mouth to enter the pharynx and then oesophagus
  • Contains taste buds
  • Helps with speech
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You talk to a person, who is coming out of general anaesthesia. Otherwise you talk to a person, who have consumed the alcohol excessively. Both of them can not use the tongue properly. Then you will come to know the answer.

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during eating the tongue is important because it:1 create saliva which break down food into small pieces2 the help to role the food into small balls call bolus

What are the parts of the tongue?

Tongue is composed of bundles of skeletal muscle tissue Functions: 1) Mixes food 2) Articulates Speech 3) Contains taste Receptors 4) chewing 5) Swallowing Functions The Tongue is divided into 3 parts: Apex, body and Root Lingual tonsils are on the roof of the tongue Lingual Papillae: 1) cover the upper surface of the tongue and contains the taste buds Lingual Glands: inside the tongue tissue that produce saliva

What are the functions of the tongues?

It is the principal organ of taste, an aid in chewing and swallowing, and, in humans, an important organ of speech.A thick bundle of muscles, which can push our food between our upper and lower teeth.The tongue has several functions. It aids in speaking properly and helps a person chew and swallow properly. The tongue also has taste buds which allow you to taste the food you eat.