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Q: What is the general name for all infections that cause diarrhea to occur?
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Related questions

How does diarrhea occur?

Diarrhea can occur anywhere, At Home, at a store, at school, Anywhere.

Why do cleft palates cause ear infections?

The infections occur because the muscles of the palate do not open the Eustachian tubes that drain the middle ear

What often occur in the bladder and spreads to the kidneys?

Microorganisms cause infections which affect the urinary system. Usally the infections start in the bladder and spread to the kidneys.

Can vitamin c give you diarrhea?

Yes, high doses can loosen bowel movements or cause diarrhea when you reach saturation point (saturation point varies from person to person). If that happens you can still take it, you simply need to cut back to the point where diarrhea does not occur.

Do nose rings cause sinus infections?

Any type of nose ring can cause an infection if not sterilized correctly before inserting it into the hole. Infections can also occur when the piercing is not kept clean or a regular schedule.

How does death from untreated pellagra occur?

Often, death is due to complications from infections, massive malnutrition brought on by continuous diarrhea, blood loss due to bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract, or severe encephalopathic syndrome.

Does the pears give you diarrhea?

Pears are a good source of high fibre, so it is not uncommon for diarrhea to occur.

Are contagious disease infections?

Yes, contagious diseases are infections. Infections are occur when a pathogen (germ) enters the body and reproduces.

IS you stomach supposed to hurt before you have diarrhea?

Somtimes diarrhea and abdominal pain will occur together, and other times they won't.

How do most human infections from Listeria occur?

Most human infections result from ingesting contaminated foods.

How often do infants have too poop before it is a health concern mother is breast feeding?

Exclusively breastfed babies rarely have diarrhea. If there is a change in frequency or consistency of stool doctor should be consulted. Maternal medication may also cause diarrhea. Infective diarrhea can occur if the baby is getting formula also or has been weaned.

What are the causes of streptococcal infections?

Between 10,000 and 15,000 GAS infections occur in the United States every year.