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muscular tissue (specifically, smooth muscle)

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Q: What is the involuntary tissue that constricts the lumen of the small intestine?
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What is the open space inside a structure such as the small intestine?


What is Bowel lumen?

It is the space within the intestine

What does the lumen of intestine do in an earthworm?

lumanate its inside

Where does final digestion of carbohydrates occurs?

small intestine

What is a word for hollow intestine?

The word is lumen. It means the interior of a hollow tubular structure such as the intestine.

What lines the lumen of all blood vessels?

The lumen is the inner open space or cavity of a tubular organ, such as a blood vessel or an intestine

What happens when the trachealis muscle contracts?

It constricts the tracheal lumen, causing air to be expelled with more force. This is helpful in coughing and yelling.

What is telescoping one segment of intestine into the lumen of an adjacent segment?


Why are muscles arranged in circular and longitudinal layer?

In smooth muscle these transitionally alternating muscle fibers help to serve the actions of peristalsis. As the circular fibers contract the tube (lumen) constricts and as the longitudinal fibers contract it opens up the lumen.

Why are the intestines so good at absorbing food molecules?

The small intestine has many villi, small projections into the lumen of the small intestine. These villi increase the surface area of the small intestine, and increase the funcitonal area for the absorbtion of nutrients.

What part connects the pancreas to the small intestine?

The pancreatic duct comes from the pancreas to the small intestine as does the accessory pancreatic duct. Pancreatic juice containing important buffers and digestive enzymes travels through these ducts into the lumen or hollow part of the duodenum or first part of the small intestine. Physically, there is some connective tissue that holds both the pancreas and small intestine in place and near each other.

What side of epithelial faces the lumen?

Apical Border is the side of an epithelial cell that faces the lumen.