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The connection between two neurons is not a true connection but a gap junction that is used by neurotransmitters between them.

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Q: What is the junction called between 2 communicating neurons?
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The space between two connecting neurons is called a synapse.

The gap between two communicating neurons is terrmed?

This gap is called the synaptic cleft.

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Synapse is a narrow gap containing communicating junction between two neurons where an axon terminal comes near contact with dendrite terminal of next neuron. A narrow fluid filled space, called synaptic cleft, occurs between the two.As the impulse reaches the presynaptic knob, it stimulates release of neurotransmitter into the cleft.

What is the small space between one neuron and the next is called?

A synapse, chemical signals called neurotransmitters cross these gaps, carrying on the signal.

Gap between axon terminal and muscle cell?

The gap between the axon terminal and muscle cell is called the synaptic cleft. It is defined as the small gap, measured in nanometers, between an axon terminal and any of the cell membranes in the immediate vicinity.

What is the point called where two neurons meet?

The space between two neurons is a synapse.

The small spaces between neurons where neurotransmitters are released are called alveoli?

The SYNAPSE is the very small space between two neurons and is an important site where communication between neurons occurs.