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Q: What is the largest bone in the appendicular skeleton?
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Related questions

Is the appendicular skeleton the upper or the lower part of the of the skeleton?

They are both. upper part, such as collar bone is in appendicular skeleton, and lower part, such as fibula is in appendicular system.

Which bone is the shortest in the appendicular skeleton?

stepes (ear bone)

The large bone in a appendicular skeleton is?


Is the humerus part of the appendicular skeleton?

yes the clavicles are considered part of the appendicular skeleton

Does the humerous belong to the appendicular skeleton?

The humerus is the long bone of the upper arm. Since it is in an appendage, an arm or leg, it belongs to the appendicular skeleton

Which division of the skeleton would a bone fracture of the arm be?


Is the ulna a bone part of the appendicular skeleton?

Yes - the shoulders, arms, wrists, hands, hips, legs, ankles, and feet are all part of the appendicular skeleton.

Important to relate the structures of the axial and appendicular skeleton to one another?

The Skeleton can be divided into Axial and Appendicular portions. The Axial Skeleton, is the head and trunk, and include the bones of the skull, hyoid bone, vertebral column, and thoracic cage. The Appendicular Skeleton, contains the pelvic and pectoral girdles, as well as the upper and lower limbs. The limbs and girdles, of the Appendicular Skeleton, attach to the Axial Skeleton.

What is the structure of a skeleton?

Axial, skull, backbone, bony thorax, appendicular skeleton, upper appendages, periosteum, compact bone, spongy bone.

What bone make ups the center of the skeleton?

The axial skeleton is the bones that make up the centre or core of the skeleton to which the appendicular skeleton which bones attach to.

Is ilium in the appendicular skeleton?

Yes, the pelvis is part of the appendicular skeleton.

Is the spinal column part of the axial or appendicular skeleton?

The spinal column is part of the axial skeleton. (The appendicular skeleton is made up of the bones of the appendages. These would include all of the arm and hand bones, and leg and foot bones.)