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The sclera makes up roughly 83% of the fibrous layer of the eye.

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Q: What is the largest portion of the fibrous layer?
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What layer forms the largest portion of the earth?

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What type of epithelial tissue lines the lumen of the ureter?

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There are three layers to the pericardium. They go in alphabetical order. The first layer is the Fibrous Pericardium. The second layer is the parietal pericardium and the third and innermost layer is the visceral layer.

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it is composed of three layers:an outer cuticular layer,intermediate fibrous layer,and inner mucous layer. the cuticular layer is continued with the skin of external acoustic meaus; the fibrous layer lies b/w cuticular and mucous layer; the mucous layer is continued with the mucous membrane of tympanic membrane.

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outer layer fibrous coat.middle layer muscular coat inner layer mucosa is transitinal epithelium

What are the layers of tissue that make up the pericardium?

Fibrous pericardium and serous pericardium. The serous pericardium is made up of an outer parietal layer that is fused to the fibrous pericardium and an inner visceral layer (aka epicardium) that is a layer of the heart wall and adheres tightly to the heart.