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The medical term for pertaining to a sudden occurrence is "acute." This term is commonly used to describe conditions or diseases that have a rapid onset and a short duration.

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Q: What is the medical term meaning pertaining to a sudden occurrence?
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How is epidemic differ from an outbreak?

An epidemic is the occurrence of disease in a community or region that is clearly in excess of normal expectancy. An outbreak is a sudden increase in occurrences of a disease in a particular time and place. In essence, an epidemic refers to a broader geographical area and higher number of cases compared to an outbreak.

Three signs that indicate you need to seek medical care?

Severe chest pain, sudden shortness of breath, or excessive bleeding are signs that indicate you need immediate medical attention. Persistent and severe headaches, unexplained weight loss, or sudden changes in vision can also be signs that you should seek medical care. High fever, confusion or altered mental status, or a sudden loss of consciousness are all indicators that warrant a visit to a healthcare provider.

What is something caused by an ictus?

An ictus is a medical term for a stroke. Strokes can cause a range of symptoms such as sudden weakness or numbness in the face, arm, or leg, slurred speech, and difficulty walking or seeing.

Why has your period come early for only two days?

There are several reasons why a period may come early, such as hormonal changes, stress, sudden weight loss or gain, or certain medical conditions. If this is a one-time occurrence, it may not be cause for concern. However, if it continues or is accompanied by other symptoms, it's best to consult with a healthcare provider for further evaluation.

What does it mean to have an outbreak?

An outbreak refers to a sudden, unexpected occurrence of a disease, typically affecting a larger number of people or a specific population within a defined geographic area. Outbreaks can spread rapidly among individuals, leading to increased cases of the illness.

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Sudden or unexpected appearance; an unforeseen occurrence; a sudden occasion., An unforeseen occurrence or combination of circumstances which calls for immediate action or remedy; pressing necessity; exigency.

What is the medical term meaning pertaining to slow heart rate?

The medical term for a slow heart rate is bradycardia. This can be a normal condition in some people, but it can also be a sign of an underlying medical issue that may need further evaluation and treatment.

What is the medical term meaning sudden contraction of a blood vessel?

Angiospasm is sudden contraction of a blood vessel. In contrast, vasoconstriction is the normal process of contraction of a blood vessel.VasoconstrictionAngiospasm

What is the noun of sudden?

It actually is sudden. It means an unexpected occurrence. It's rarely used outside the phrase "all of a sudden."

What is the medical term meaning sudden onset of severely elevated blood pressure?

malignant hypertension

Is a an epiphany a sudden idea of something? lists one definition as: 3. a sudden, intuitive perception of or insight into the reality or essential meaning of something, usually initiated by some simple, homely, or commonplace occurrence or experience.

What is the medical term meaning the sudden spasmodic closure of the larynx?

Laryngospasmlaryng/o = larynx-spasm = sudden involuntary contractionLaryngeal spasm or laryngospasm means spasm of the larynx or voicebox.Laryngeospasm.

What word is given to a sudden and inevitable occurrence caused by natural forces such as a flood or an earthquake?

The word for a sudden and inevitable occurrence caused by natural forces such as a flood or earthquake is "natural disaster."

What is the medical term meaning sudden onset of shortness of breath that occurs at night?

The medical term for sudden onset of shortness of breath at night is "paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea." This condition typically occurs during sleep and can be a symptom of various underlying heart or lung conditions. It is important to seek medical evaluation if experiencing this symptom.