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Q: What is the mental disorder where one says words backwards?
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What does palandrom mean?

They are words that can be read the same way left and right. Properly spelled palindromes.

Why do emergency vehicles have words painted backwards on the hoods?

That is so drivers in front of the emergency vehicle can read what it says in their rear view mirrors.

What goes woem woem?

A cat going backwards says woem, woem (meow backwards).

Does Hamlet find Horatio's speech so strange that he says Horatio uses wild and whirling words?

No, you've got it backwards. It is Horatio who says, "These are but wild and whirling words, my lord." to Hamlet. Hamlet is a little discombobulated after seeing his father's ghost.

Is there an old superstition where walking backwards through a door tricks the Devil?

There is not a superstition that says if you walk backwards through a door that you will trick the devil. There is one that says walking backwards through a door will make you forget things.

What is a sentence that says something differnent backwards?


What has four legs and says OOM?

A cow walking backwards

What word says the same thing backwards?

Race car

How do you play your voice backwards on Nintendo DSi sound?

You just press the button that says play voice backwards and voila!

What does mind race mean?

It really ought to say "thoughts racing" even though everyone says it's your mind that's racing. That's where your thoughts keep coming fast and furious and you can't stop thinking about things, usually worrying about them. You can't calm your mind down. Racing thoughts are sometimes an indication of a mental disorder such as bipolar disorder or attention deficit disorder.

Is 0 a palindrome?

Yes i think 0 is a palindrome because read fowards it says 0 and read backwards it says 0.

What Sound a horn makes spelled the same forward as backwards?

it says toot probably.