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It depends on what you mean by "important". All bones are important as they provide structural support. The eight bones in your wrist, while it seems like a lot, provides the flexibility that allows you to rotate your wrist. Same with the seven tarsal bones in the ankle. The femur is the longest bone in your body (typically). The pelvis holds the intestines and must distribute the upper body weight. Obviously the other bones in your body are just as important; the cranium houses your brain, the spine protects your delicate nervous system, etc.

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the skull because it protects your brain which controls everything

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Q: What is the most important bone in human body?
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The largest bone in the human ankle is the calcanius (heel bone); the densest bone, because it bears the most weight is the talus.

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A sprain is a partial tear of a ligament or tendon; it's not an injury to a bone.

Is the femor bone the most important bone in the body?

In humans, the femur is the strongest and largest bone in the body. The femur allows humans to stand upright and walk, jump, and run. The femur is responsible for approximately 26% of the person's height. The femur is categorized as a long bone, comprised of a diaphysis, shaft and two epiphysis that articulate with the hip and the knee.

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