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Spinous process of C7

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Q: What is the most prominent bone in the posterior cervical region?
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What is the most posterior part of cranium?

The Occipital Bone. ------------------------------------------- (thanks mrs.price :)

Where is the spine of the scapula located?

It is the prominent ridge of bone going across the upper part of the scapula in the posterior part of the scapula

What is the bone located in the posterior of the skull?

The occipital bone is most posterior.

Posterior roof of mouth?

The Palatine bone forms the posterior roof of the mouth.

What are the region of the spine?

The spine (also called backbone or vertebral column) starts at the top of your neck, just under the scull, and goes all the way down to your tail-bone.  There are 5 regions of the spine: cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, and coccygeal.  However the 3 most commonly discussed regions are the cervical, thoracic, lumbar regions.  The cervical region is in the neck.  The thoracic region is in the upper to mid back.  The lumbar region is in the low back.  The sacral region is in the back of your pelvis, between your buttocks.  Finally, the coccygeal region is your "tail-bone."

What bone feature of the second cervical vertebrae articulates with the first cervical vertebrae?

The occipital bone articulates with the first cervical vertebra. This articulation happens at a marking on the occipital bone called the occipital condyle.

What suture establishes the posterior limit of the frontal bone?

The coronal suture establishes the posterior limit of the frontal bone.

Posterior bones of the hard plate?

The anterior part of the Hard Palate is the Maxilla.The Posterior part of the Hard Palate is the Palatine.

What bone is found just posterior to the ethmoid bone of the orbit?

the sphenoid bone

What bone is in the posterior of the skull?


What bone is found just posterior to the ethmoid bone?

Posterior means behind or toward the back -- so which bone is behind the ethmoid bone? The sphenoid bone (butterfly shaped one).The bone that is found just posterior to the ethmoid bone in the orbit is the sphenoid. Major paranasal sinuses are the ethmoid, sphenoid, frontal, and maxillary sinuses.

What does mild posterior ostcophytic ridging at C4-5 mean?

It means that you are beginning to have early arthritic changes in your cervical spine (or neck). There are 7 cervical vertebrae, so this is in the middle of your neck. Osteophytes are basically bone spurs, or a buildup of hardened bone material on the edges of vertebra that occurs when you are losing cartilage and the bones are rubbing against each other.