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the koko bird is unique to Guam. It it the national bird of Guam.

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A native plant or animal.

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Q: What is the name for a plant or animal that is unique to a particular place?
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the animal cells have more functions than plant cells that make the cell unique. they comtain ribosomes where as plant cells do not include ribosomes. there are also some other functions that are in a animal cell but not in a plant cell.

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The only organelle that is unique to animal cells is the centriole.

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What is the term for the land water climate plants and animals of a particular place?

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Is organelles in plant cells or animal cells?

Organelles are found in both plant and animal cells. They are the "little organs" within cells that allow the cell to carry out particular functions.

Do plant cells and animal cells have slime capsule?

yes they do!