Obviously there is no such person researching cures. Cures are mostly ignored.
what is the physician called who treats bones and bone diseases?
A nephrologist is a specialist in diseases and disorders of the kidney. They are trained in diagnosing and treating conditions such as chronic kidney disease, kidney stones, and kidney failure.
A person is able to spread a disease when they are contagious, which varies depending on the specific disease. The duration of contagion can range from a few hours to several weeks, depending on the disease. It is important to follow public health guidelines and recommendations to prevent the spread of infectious diseases.
A plant doctor is called a botanist or a plant pathologist. They specialize in the study of plants, including their growth, development, and diseases.
The scientific name for mildew is usually referred to as Oomycota or Peronosporomycetes. These are fungi-like microorganisms that can cause plant diseases and are commonly found on damp surfaces in indoor environments.
A person that studies or researches dinosaur are called Paleontologists.
A scientist who researches weather is called a meteorologist.
non-communicative diseases
People who researches bullying do it for the information they do not have a name for what it is for example I research bullying but i do it for the information to educate others
Ryan g simbajon
Most of the cancers and cardiovascular diseases are not transferred from one person to another. They are called as noncommunicable diseases.
Based on Facebook and Myspace researches, the weirdest human name in Lebanon is Adonis Zibara.
The Green Mile (1999). This is a Stephen King movie, based on his serial novel of the same name (it was first published in six separate mini-novels, which came out one after the other). Later it was reprinted as one large novel.
name the types of diseases are ther?
Its a varient of the name Jade and mean "the gem that cures" in spanish.
Pierre Charles Alexandre Louis has written: 'Anatomical, pathological and therapeutic researches upon the disease known under the name of gastro-enterite' -- subject- s -: Typhoid fever 'Researches on phthisis'
Human beings suffer from hundreds of different diseases each with its own name.