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flexor hallucis longus, flexor hallucis brevis

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Q: What is the name of the antagonist to extensor hallucis longus?
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Which muscle extends your forearm?

The muscles of the hand are as listed below:abductor pollicis brevisflexor pollicis brevisopponens pollicisabductor digiti minimiflexor digiti minimiopponens digiti minimidigitorum profunduspalmer interosseidorsal interosseiflexor retinaculumpalmer aponeurosiflexor digitorum superficialisThese muscles along with many tendons help to control the hand and are broken down into different groups of muscles.

Where is the distal region of the big toe?

The latinate name for the big toe is the Hallucis(Hal-oo-shis), or, more commonly when speaking of one big toe, the hallux. The bones within it are rather unexciting, there are only three. The first is the first metacarpal bone. Each toe has a metatarsal and these are what make up most of the length of your feet. They are not very visible separately in an intact toe as they are all bound under the same skin.The other two bones in each toe are called the phalangesas as collection. These bones are in the part that is visibly a separate toe. The one closest to the foot, joining directly to the metacarpal is the proximal phalanx. Then the distal phalanx is the next one. In the other toes there is a medial (middle) phalanx, between the proximal and distal phalanges. That is the traditional nomenclature.However, this whole issue was humorously resolved back in 1991 by a med student who offered formal Latinate names for every toe based on the "Little Piggy" rhyme. John Phillips, then a fourth-year med student at Yale, published these in a letter to the NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE published February 14, 1991. The "p." stands for "porcellus."- porcellus fori (big toe), translation: little pig at market- p. domi (second toe); translation: baby pig at home- p. carnivorus (third toe), translation: meat-eating piglet- p. nonvoratus (fourth digit) translation: small pig that has not eaten- p. plorans domum (smallest toe) translation: piggy crying all the way homeThe text of the 18th-century rhyme, which parents still use when playing with their little children's toes, starting by wiggling the hallux and then each smaller toe in turn:This little piggy went to market. This little piggy stayed home. This little piggy had roast beef, This little piggy had none. And this little piggy cried "Wee! Wee! Wee!" all the way home.See the whole article re Phillips' new names at the Little Piggy link below.

What muscles that move the forearm?

These muscles can be divided into flexor-pronator and extensor-supinator groups. Forearm Pronation: 1. Pronator Teres 2. Pronator Quadratus Forearm Supination 1. Biceps Brachii 2. Supinator

What insect are you i have a insect name in your name?

I am an ANT and my insect name in my name is Steve.

What does the name Callia mean?

In Greek, the name "Callia" means Beautiful. The name was originally from the name "Callista".

Related questions

Name the muscle that extends the toes?

Extensor digitorum longus, extensor hallucis longus and extensor digitorum brevis

What does the name extensor carpi radialis longus imply about its action?

This name implies that it extends the wrist!

What is the name of the tendon in the big toe?

The tendon is called the hallucis longus tendon. It also has another name, hallux limitus. People that experience problems associated with this tendon can have conditions such as trigger toe or plantar fasciitis.

Alternate name of lateral digital extensor?

What you are talking about is flexor muscle and not extensor aren't you?

Which muscle extends your forearm?

The muscles of the hand are as listed below:abductor pollicis brevisflexor pollicis brevisopponens pollicisabductor digiti minimiflexor digiti minimiopponens digiti minimidigitorum profunduspalmer interosseidorsal interosseiflexor retinaculumpalmer aponeurosiflexor digitorum superficialisThese muscles along with many tendons help to control the hand and are broken down into different groups of muscles.

What is a name for a an evil person?

A common name for an evil person is a villain or antagonist.

Where is the distal region of the big toe?

The latinate name for the big toe is the Hallucis(Hal-oo-shis), or, more commonly when speaking of one big toe, the hallux. The bones within it are rather unexciting, there are only three. The first is the first metacarpal bone. Each toe has a metatarsal and these are what make up most of the length of your feet. They are not very visible separately in an intact toe as they are all bound under the same skin.The other two bones in each toe are called the phalangesas as collection. These bones are in the part that is visibly a separate toe. The one closest to the foot, joining directly to the metacarpal is the proximal phalanx. Then the distal phalanx is the next one. In the other toes there is a medial (middle) phalanx, between the proximal and distal phalanges. That is the traditional nomenclature.However, this whole issue was humorously resolved back in 1991 by a med student who offered formal Latinate names for every toe based on the "Little Piggy" rhyme. John Phillips, then a fourth-year med student at Yale, published these in a letter to the NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE published February 14, 1991. The "p." stands for "porcellus."- porcellus fori (big toe), translation: little pig at market- p. domi (second toe); translation: baby pig at home- p. carnivorus (third toe), translation: meat-eating piglet- p. nonvoratus (fourth digit) translation: small pig that has not eaten- p. plorans domum (smallest toe) translation: piggy crying all the way homeThe text of the 18th-century rhyme, which parents still use when playing with their little children's toes, starting by wiggling the hallux and then each smaller toe in turn:This little piggy went to market. This little piggy stayed home. This little piggy had roast beef, This little piggy had none. And this little piggy cried "Wee! Wee! Wee!" all the way home.See the whole article re Phillips' new names at the Little Piggy link below.

Who is the antagonist in the book The View From Saturday?

The antagonist is a kid name Hamilton Knapp

What is the 2 muscles in the upper arm that work together to make the arm bend and straighten at the elbow?

Well there are two muscles which bend the arm: bending your arm from a straight position to a bent position uses the bicep (Latin name - Bicep Brachii) which is on the topside of your upper arm. Bending your arm from a bent position to a straight position uses the tricep (Latin name - Tricep Brachii) which is on the underside of your upper arm. Both muscles work in sinc with each other, so as one muscle tenses and contracts (causing the arm to bend one way or the other), the other losens.

What is the name of the muscle that forms the medial boundary of the femoral traingle?

Adductor longus, its medial border

What is the name of the nerve running between the bellies of the peroneus longus and the tibialis anterior?

Superficial fibular nerve

Is there an antagonist in the house of the scorpion?

The main antagonist is the person who creates the clones of himself. His name is El Patron.