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cappilaries is the name of the point at which motor neuron synases motor end plate

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Q: What is the name of the point at which motor neuron synapses motor end plate?
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The point of contract between the nerve ending and the muscle fiber is called a motor neuron?

Neuromuscular junction (NMJ)

What is the point of contact between a motor neuron and a skeletal muscle cell called?

This point is often called the neuromuscular junction or motor end plate. ?The neurotransmitter used here is acetylcholine.Many diseases occur with dysfunction at this junction, like Myesthenia Gravis, botulism, or Lambert Eaton Myasthenic Syndrome.

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Action potential is nerve impulse triggered when a neuron reaches its threshold, or trigger point for firing. Threshold trigger point for a neuron's firing about negative 50 millivolts.

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What part of a muscle fiber junctions with a motor neuron?

There is no junction. Motor neurons are riddled throughout the muscle spindles. Every muscle spindle has a nerve supply or it would not function. think about the way capilaries infiltrate mucles, it's pretty finite. when you are talking about the neurons you are talking about a finite thing, there are billions of them in your body.

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What are the sequence of events that occur within the nervous system from the point you touched the hot stove with your hand to the point you jerked your hand away from the stove?

1. Sensory Receptors detect danger(eg. hot stove in this case) 2. Signal is sent through a sensory neuron to the spinal cord 3.Interneuron in the spinal cord relays the message to the motor neuron 4.Motor neuron sends a message to the effector(eg. muscle) 5. Hand jerks away Sensory neuron also sends a sinal to the brain. Sensation of the evernt is detected continuosly but usually after the defensive action has been taken.

When a stimulus acts on a neuron it decreases the permeability of the stimulated point of its membrane to sodium ions?

False( When a stimulus acts on a neuron, it increases the permeability of the stimulated point of its membrane to sodium ions. )

What sensory neurons to motor neurons?

Sensory neurons (afferent neurons) send sensory signals from the body to the Central Nervous System. Their cell bodies are always found in a ganglion outside the central nervous system. Motor neurons (efferent neurons) send signals from the central nervous system to the muscles and glands of the body. Their cell bodies are always located in the central nervous system.

What is the Spinal Reflex Arc?

A spinal reflex is an automatic, rapid response to a stimulus. The action is involuntary and occurs without any involvement of thought or the brain. In humans, this action occurs through a neural pathway called the reflex arc. To allow reflexes to occur very quickly, signals come directly from motor neurons in the spine, instead of being delayed by going through the brain.The arc works as follows:1. A receptor at the point of stimulus relays the message that there is an adverse stimulus to a sensory neuron2. The sensory neuron carries the message from the receptor at the point of the stimulus to the spinal cord (part of the central nervous system)3. In the spinal cord, a relay neuron, or inter-neuron, carries the message from the sensory neuron to a motor neuron4. The motor neuron then carries the message to the appropriate effector, at which point, the reflex occurs.After this spinal reflex occurs, sensory neurons send messages to the brain. The brain then relays this information and the messages are consciously interpreted. It is only at this point that you will begin to feel pain.Though this seems like a complicated process, spinal reflexes occur in under one second. Within that same second, the brain will consciously interpret the information and the person will feel pain.

What is a junction or point of close contact between neuron?

The synaptic cleft is the junction or point of close contact between neurons.

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An axon terminal is the structure of a neuron (a single cell of the central or peripheral nervous system) at the end of it's axon that forms a synapse with another neuron. Generally, the axon terminal is the point at which a neuron passes information to the neurons with which it is connected.