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There is still only one cell during Anaphase of Mitosis. Only after Telophase and Cytokenesis is there two cells.

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Q: What is the number of cells in anaphase?
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What stage of meiosis is the chromosome number reduced?

In Anaphase I

What stage is when sex cells form with half the number of chromosomes as the parental cells?

In meiosis (cell division to form gametes), the division that makes the cell haploid is called anaphase II. At anaphase I the homologous pairs are separated, but in anaphase II the chromatids are separated, which makes the cell haploid (the number of chromosomes is halved)

How many cell are in anaphase?

there are two cells forming in the anaphase, in the anaphase, the spindle fibres pulled the two stranded chrosomes apart to form two identical cells i.e mitosis.

When do homologous chromosomes separate into the daughter cells?

They are separated in Anaphase I of Meiosis I.

How do cells separate?

During the Anaphase

How many cells does anaphase have?


What is the number of cells formed at the end of mitosis?

There are 2 cells formed by the end of mitosis and they are called daughter cells. Prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase are the 4 stages of mitosis.

When do daughter cells become haploids?

In the Anaphase

Why would you look at the cells in the roots of the onion when looking for cells in mitosis?


Daughter cells become haploid during what stage of meiosis?

During a process called 'meiosis' at the end of telophase which ends in cytokinesis - the process by which the daughter cells separate.

How is anaphase 2 in meiosis similto anaphase in mitosis?

they separate they become 2 new cells and their the same in chromesomes.

Why does meiosis result 1N cells rather than 2N cells?

During meiosis chromosomes are segregated at Anaphase I stage , this results in reduction in number of chromosomes from 2N to 1N .