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The Organ of Corti (in the inner ear) rests on basilar membrane; consists of supporting cells and hair cells. Axons of the neurons that begin around the organ of Corti, extend in the cochlear nerve to the brain to produce the sensation of hearing.
The inner ear includes the three semicircular canals. They (plus the base of each called the ampullaris) are involved in:
1. Static Equilibrium in the ampulla which contains the sense for position of head when body is not moving.
2. Dynamic Equilibrium in the semicircular canals which senses rotation and movement of head and body.
The cochlea structure consists of three adjacent tubes separated from each other by sensitive membranes.

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Q: What is the organ of hearing and balance?
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What organ is a sense organ?

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Which unit of the brain is responsible for the sense of balance?

Balance and hearing both derive from the same organ, the cochlea, therefore the auditory center of the brain is also responsible for perceiving balance.

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Hearing and balance receptors are found in the ear.

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there are 3 part's... the outer ear, the inner ear, and the middle ear. all of these are responsible for hearing but the inner is for balance also.

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Hearing and balance. The ear doesnt control anything, it is a sensory organ only. It does though sense sound and gravitational pull, the senses of hearing and balance. The information is receives is relayed to the brain which controls movements to adjust balance.

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another word for hearing organ

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The balance organs are the sensors in the body closest to the hearing organs. Sometimes referred to as 'vestibular organs' for they lie alongside the vestibule in the ear.

The organ of corti is the organ of what sense?


The organ of hearing is .?

The Ear is the organ of hearing.COCHLEA

Is the receptor organ for hearing?

spiral organ of Corti

Is the organ of corti the organ of hearing?

Basically, yes. The organ of Corti contains the hearing receptors (little hairs) that allow us to hear.