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When a substance moves from an area of low concentration to an area of high concentration while using energy the process is called active transport.

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Q: What is the passive transportation of substances across the cell membrane called?
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What is passive membran transport?

The diffusion of substances across a membrane is called passive transport. Molecules move from where the substance is more concentrated to where it is less concentrated.

What is meant by passive transport of material across a membrane?

"Passive" mean that it does not require energy, therefore the passive transport of material across the membrane means that it can transport the material (cells or whatever) without the function of energy across the membrane.

What is transportation function?

Passive transport refers to the movement of biochemicals and other atomic or molecular substances across cell membranes. The function of the passive transport is that it is used in filtration and osmosis processes.

What is passive transportation of cells?

energy is not required for movement across membrane to occcur. molecules move from an area of high concentration to area of low conccentration

What role does a cellular membrane play in passive transport?

hahahah That's not even an answer. They act as barriers to the diffusion of certain substances. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Better Answer: Well actually the membrane can facilitate diffusion (such as that of larger macromolecules) through channel proteins.

How are the 3 passive transports different?

Simple diffusion - High concentration to low concentration, no energy required osmosis - Movement of water across a membrane, no energy required facilitated diffusion - Movement of substances, protein's are used to help move the substances across the membrane. There are very basic summaries of each.

What two forces drive the passive transport of ions across a membrane?

Two forces drive the passive transport of ions across a membrane: -the concentration gradient of the ions -the effect of membrane potential (voltage) on the ions

How is active transportation different from passive transportation?

The movement of materials across the cell membrane without using cellular energy is called passive transport. The movement of materials against a concentration difference is known as active transport. Active transport requires energy.

How do carriers proteins facilitate passive transport of molecules across a membrane?

Carrier proteins facilitate passive transport of molecules across a membrane by changing its shape, by using ATP, to allow a substance to pass through the membrane.

How is passive transport different then active transport?

An example of passive transport would be the process of osmosis (water diffusing between a membrane-- from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration). It is known as passive transport because no energy is needed in order to move the water across the membrane. When no energy is needed to move the substance it is considered passive transport. On the other hand, when energy IS needed to transport molecules or substances across a membrane it is referred to as active transport. An example of this would be a calcium pump located in the lipid bilayer of a plasma membrane which can transport potassium (K+) ions across it. Energy is needed in order to move those potassium ions across the membrane, and therefore is referred to as active transport.

What is it called when the movement of materials through a cell membrane without using the cells energy?

Passive transport does not use energy to pass through a cell membrane. active transport uses energy to pass through a cell membrane.

What is passive transportation?

Passive transport is a means of moving biochemicals, and other atomic or molecular substances, across membranes. Unlike active transport, this process does not involve chemical energy. Passive transport is dependent on the permeability of the cell membrane, which, in turn, is dependent on the organization and characteristics of the membrane lipids and proteins. The four main kinds of passive transport are diffusion, facilitated diffusion, filtration and osmosis. An example would be osmosis; in osmosis, water molecules move from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration. Carrier proteins are sometimes used during passive transport.