

What is the plural for cilia?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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9y ago

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A cilium

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Q: What is the plural for cilia?
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How do you write a sentence with the word cilia in it?

"Cilia" is plural; the singular, rarely used, is "cilium".Some one-celled animals move by spinning their cilia. The cilia are like tiny hairs.

How do you spell cillia?

The correct spelling is cilia (plural of cilium), meaning hairlike projections.

What are short hairlike projections on a cell surface?

Long and few - or one - are flagella, short and numerous are called cilia.

What is the scientific name for cilia?

The scientific name for cilia is "cilium" in singular form and "cilia" in plural form. Cilia are small, hair-like structures that project from the surface of cells and are involved in various functions, such as movement and sensing stimuli.

Cilia is the plural form of the Latin for what word?

Singular form of "cilia" is cilium. The meaning of the word "cilia" is hairlike organelles that line the surface of certain cells, and it also means eyelids.

Hairlike parts that spin to push a bacterium through water or other liquids?

Cilium (plural cilia) or flagellum (plural flagella).

What are analogies for cilia?

Analogy for Cilium Cilium are short "leg like" projections used for motility such as a millipede or centipede would move, except cilium are used to move about a fluid environment. cilia, (cilium plural) actually only move fluid and particles around or over them. whereas, flagela, (flagelum plural) move through fluid.Analogy: legs

What is the name of the hairs that help to clean air as it is inhaled?

In the lungs it's called cilium, plural cilia.

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Does Balantidium coli have cilia?

It has cilia

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Do potato have cilia?

No plants have cilia.