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If you make a box with 4 squares and put the mother on one side (A in front of one box, B in front of the box below it) and the father across the top (O on top of each box), you will see that the possibilities for genotype are AO, AO, BO, BO. That would give you phenotypes of type A and type B, occurring at equal probabilities.

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A, B, or O. O is recessive. A and B are dominate genes. It depends upon what is locked up in both of your genes.

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Q: What is the possible outcome of a father with blood type AB and mother with blood type O?
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Can a baby be born with blood type A or O if father is blood type A dominant and mother is blood type O dominant?

The baby can be born with either. My father is Type A and my mother is O. I'm A, and my brother is O. It is possible that it will complicate the pregnancy though. The baby can be born with either. My father is Type A and my mother is O. I'm A, and my brother is O. It is possible that it will complicate the pregnancy though.

Can a mother with b plus blood type and a father with b plus blood type have a baby with a blood type?

Yes, it is possible. The geneotype of the mother would be either BB or BO and for the father would be OO. If you cross the father's geneotype and either of the mother's then at least two of the four outcomes will be for B blood type. As for the - and +, positive is dominant over negative. The father could be + - or + + and the mother would be - -. Either combination would result in at least two positives. Therefore, it is possible for the mother to be B-, the father to be O+ and the baby to be B+. I added the link to the website where I got my info from. I want to know if an rh b neg blood type mother and an O positive father can have an A positive baby?

If someone cross a purebred mother with type B blood and a father with type AB blood what are the possible blood type outcomes of their offspring?

Based on Punnett squares, the possible outcomes are A, B and AB.

If father has blood type B positive and mother has blood type A negative what may be the blood type of the child and are there any possible problems possible for the child?

If the child is Rh positive, and it is the mother's second child, the mother's antibodies will attack the child's red blood cells when the blood becomes mixed during labor. An injection called RhoGAM will be administered to the mother right before delivery to prevent any attack of fetal red blood cells.

Is possible for a father type A and mother type O to have child type B?

Blood type A only has two phenotypes which are IAIA or IAi. For a blood type of B, you have to have IBIB or IBi. So it isn't possible.

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Is it possible for a child to have O negative blood if the mother has A positive blood and the father has A positive blood?


What blood type will the baby have with a mother with type a blood and father with type ab blood?

Possible blood types of the child with a mother who has A blood type and a father who has AB blood type are A, B, and AB. :)

If a Father has blood-group AB and mother A what are the possible blood groups obtained?

possible children can be A, AB, B

Bothe the mother and father have blood type O What are the possible blood types of the offspring?


If your father has type A blood can you have type O blood?

Yes, that is entirely possible. Your father could be AA or AO, meaning your possible blood types (depending on your mother's) are: A, B, AB, and O.

Your father has a positive blood and your mother has o positive and you have a negative is this possible?


Is it possible father blood O plus Mother AB plus and child carry A?

Yes, it is possible for both mother and father to be RH positive and a child to be RH negative.

Is it possible for an o positive father produce an a child?

Yes, it would be possible if the mother had type A blood.

Is it possible if mother with blood group O married to a father with blood group AB to have a child with blood group O?


If the father is blood type B and the mother is blood type A is it possible for the baby to be blood type O?

Go Home.

Can Father O plus blood type have baby with O negative blood type?

It is possible. It depends on the blood group of the mother.

Is it possible to have a child with a different blood type even though the father and mother are both blood type O?
