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Phototherapy is very effective in reducing bilirubin levels in the majority of infants who need it. There are usually no long-term effects on the child from the hyperbilirubinemia or the phototherapy

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Q: What is the prognosis for infants with hyperbilirubinemia and associated jaundice?
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Is infant jaundice fatal?

Infant jaundice can be fatal if untreated. Most infants recover.

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Surgery is required for infants that have severe coarctation of the aorta or have associated cardiac defects. The average life span of children who have coarctation of the aorta is 34 years of age.

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With treatment most infants with congenital CMV survive, although almost all suffer from its effects.

What is jaundice in premature infants or prematurity?

Yellow discoloration of skin and whites of the eyes that results from excess bilirubin in the body's system.

What are some of the health risks that occur in premature infants?

Common health risks in premature infants are jaundice, apnea, inability to breast or bottle feed, under-developed lungs, digestive system and nervous system.

What complications may result from high levels of bilirubin in infants?

kernicterus, a form of brain damage. Signs of severe hyperbilirubinemia include listlessness, high-pitched crying, apnea (periods of not breathing), arching of the back, and seizures

What is the prognosis for a baby with a tracheoesophageal fistula?

Even when the esophagus is successfully separated and reattached, many infants have difficulty swallowing, because the contractility of the esophagus is impaired. Infants may also have problems with gastroesophageal reflux

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Overall, prognosis is very good. Most infants with Hirschsprung's disease achieve good bowel control after surgery, but a small percentage of children may have lingering problems with soilage or constipation.

What is the survival rate of edward's syndrome?

The survival rate of Edward's syndrome (trisomy 18) is low, with approximately 50% of affected infants not surviving beyond the first week of life. The majority of infants with trisomy 18 do not survive past their first year, with very few living into adulthood. The prognosis for individuals with Edward's syndrome is generally poor due to the significant physical and intellectual disabilities associated with the condition.

What are the benefits of light therapy?

Benefits of light therapy help newborn infants when they are born with jaundice. By laying the infant under the artificial light it puts pigments into their skin.

What is the prognosis for rectal prolapse?

Infants and children usually recover completely without complications. Recovery in adults depends on age, general health, and the extent of the prolapse.

What circumstance accounts for the development of jaundice in one-half of all newborn babies?

In newborn infants, the liver and intestinal systems are immature and cannot excrete bilirubin as fast as the body produces it