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There are two layers that protect the eye. One is called the cornea, and it is at the front of the eye. The second one is called the sclera, and it wraps around the whole eyeball. If you are still not sure, look up some diagrams of the eye or parts of the eye.

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It is called ozone layer. It protects against the UV rays.

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Q: What is the protective layer over the eye called?
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The sclera is the fibrous outer layer of the eye which retains the overall shape of the eye. This is commonly known as the white of the eye.

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Image result for what protects our lens The sclera (SLEER-uh) is the protective layer. This tough, fibrous tissue surrounds the eyeball and attaches to the cornea, which is the clear front surface of the eye. What we see as the white of the eye is the sclera. Over the sclera lies the conjunctiva, a clear skin layer that protects the eye from becoming dry.

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The vascular layer of the eye is the middle layer. It is also called the uvea. The vascular contains the iris and lens. The iris contains the light levels inside the eye.

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The Cornea.

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The clear curved membrane that covers the front of the eye is called the cornea. It also focuses light onto the retina.