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Adherence to arcane dogma.

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Q: What is the purpose of weighing and measuring organs during an autopsy?
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Can a heart attack not be discovered on autopsy?

A heart attack will be discovered during an autopsy. The stress and damage done to the heart will be apparent during an autopsy.

What happens in an autopsy?

During an autopsy a body is usually dissected and it's tissue are tested. The reason for the autopsy is usually to determine the cause of an individual's death.

Why do they remove the lining of the skull during autopsy?

Well, to be honest, the skull lining protects the skull, and of course, they must look at everything during an autopsy - including the skull. So this is why they remove the skull lining.

how did evererd palmer die?

Afterwards his vital organs were removed during an autopsy

How did mark Adams die?

during his autopsy they concluded he was stabbed in the face with a soldering iron.

What music is played in The Unit Play 16 during hector autopsy?

sad song

What is a mortuary technician?

A Mortuary Technician is somone who assists the Medical Examiner during an Autopsy procedure.

Would the reported molarity of the vinegar sample be affected by an error in weighing?

Yes, you could possibly have errors in your data about the molarity of a vinegar sample during a titration experiment if there was an error made during weighing.

What is a heart monitor and purpose of it?

A heart rate monitor is a great device in measuring how high your heart is pumping, especially during exercise. Its a great way to measure endurance and cardiovascular health.

What health problems were revealed during Michael Jackson's autopsy?

Arthritis in his lower spine and fingers and inflammation of the lungs.

Did Florence Griffith-Joyner die of a brain tumor?

No. An autopsy showed that she passed away due to asphyxia caused by a seizure. During the autopsy the coroner found she had a brain abnormality that made her subject to having seizures, but no tumor was found.

What is the medical term meaning red spots seen on autopsy?

Red spots found on a body during an autopsy are known as petechiae, or tardieu spots. They are usually spots of ecchymosis found under the pleura after death caused by suffocation.