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They are located close together on the same chromosome.

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8y ago

They are said to be linked because they're on the same chromosome. Both genes go where that chromosome goes, in theory at least.

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Q: What is the reason that linked genes are inherited together?
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Genes that tend to be inherited together are said to be?

Linked On A Chromosome

Can allelic genes be inherited as linked genes?


The tendency for the alleles on one chromosome to be inherited together is called?

genetic linkage?

Why do linked genes generally NOT follow the normal pattern of inheritance?

When genes are linked, they are very likely to be inherited together - meaning that once one gene has been inherited, the chance that the other will be is not 50% (meaning it is not random like other genes). Because linked gene are not affected by crossing over. Thus these are not segregated according to the Mendel's principal of segregation.

Are genes inherited the same way as chromosomes?

Genes are contained in chromosomes - therefore they are inherited together.

What is gene linkage?

Gene linkage is where genes that are located near each other in a chromosome become linked together afterwards due to meiosis.

How is the distance between two genes related to the chance they are inherited together?

The distance between two genes is related to the chance that they might be inherited together, because they may be on the same chromosome. Genetic linkage is the tendency of certain loci or alleles to be inherited together. Genetic loci that are physically close to one another on the same chromosome tend to stay together during meiosis, and are thus genetically linked.

When crossing-over occurs what genes stay together?

linked genes

Does huntington's chorea disease is sex linked or inherited on autosomal genes?

No, it is autosomal dominant.

What is the difference between a linked and unlinked gene?

Linked genes are closely located on the chromosome while unlinked genes not closely located. Linked genes travel together as a result of their closeness while unlinked genes move randomly.

What are the properties of linked genes?

Genes are called linked when they are physically close to each other on the same chromosome. Their physical proximity limits or prevents recombination between them at meiosis, so they usually appear to be transmitted together.The distance between linked genes can be estimated by the frequencies of recombinations due from crossing over during Prophase I of meiosis

If two chromosomes have the same genes for the same trait they are said to be?

Genes on the same chromosome are said to be linked