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Respiratory acidosis results from the lungs' inability to remove the carbon dioxide that the body produces. The excess carbon dioxide in the system causes the blood to become overly acidic, resulting in the condition, respiratory acidosis.

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Nothing, it is the final stage of the respiratory cycle, and it merely needs to be exchanged with oxygen.

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Q: What is the role of carbon dioxide in respiration?
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What is the role of carbon dioxide in photosynthesis and cellular respiration?

The role of carbon dioxide in photosynthesis is in the creation of molecules that are used to make food for the plants. In cellular respiration, carbon dioxide is emitted as a waste product that is used by photosynthesizing cells to create new carbohydrates.

What gas is given off by cellular respiration?

Carbon Dioxide

The products of respiration are energy and carbon dioxide and?

the products of respiration are energy,carbon dioxide,and

How many carbon atoms go into respiration?

Carbon dioxide participate in respiration. Carbon dioxide has i carbon atom. So 1 carbon atoms go into respiration.

What role cellular respiration play in the carbon cycle?

Animals produce carbon dioxide. Animals produce carbon dioxide

What are the names of the products of cellular respiration?

the products of cellular respiration are carbon dioxide

How are photosynthesis and cellular respiration part of the carbon cycle?

During photosynthesis carbon from carbon dioxide is synthesized in to more complex organic compounds and in respiration it is again released in the form of carbon dioxide gas. Thus both these processes play important role in carbon cycle.

Where does the carbon dioxide come from in cellular respiration?

The breakdown of glucose to carbon dioxide and water occurs during glycolysis and aerobic respiration in cellular respiration. The carbon dioxide is a waste product.

If carbon dioxide is not present what happens to cellular respiration?

Nothing. Carbon dioxide is produced in respiration, but is not a reactant.

Does respiration add carbon dioxide to the air?

Yes, respiration does add carbon dioxide to the air

What does respiration releases carbon dioxide?

Respiration creates carbon dioxide through breathing out. When we inhale, we breathe in oxygen, when we breathe out, it's released as carbon dioxide.

What is the byproduct of respiration?

False Co2...carbon dioxide (dont read this if u dont want to) there are different forms of respiration, aerobic respiration= oxygen + glucose -> carbon dioxide+ water (+energy) anaerobic respiration=