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Q: What is the site of energy conversion through cellular respiration?
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What organelles is the site of energy conversion through cellular respiration?


Can cellular respiration be described as the conversion of the energy?

if u mean "celular respiration", then the answer probably is - chemical energy to heat energy....

Energy from glucose is released in the process of?

Mitochondria gets energy from glucose through the process of cellular respiration.

How is cellular respiration to photosynthesis?

Energy produced in photosynthesis is put into a usable form through cellular respiration.

Both a whale and a seaweed use what to change glucose into energy?

Through cellular respiration

How is photosynthesis is related to cellular respiration?

Energy produced in photosynthesis is put into a usable form through cellular respiration.

Can cells convert energy?

Yes, through cellular respiration.

Does cellular respiration occur in plants?

Plants also need energy. So they obtain energy through respiration

Why does cellular respiration in plants occur?

Plants also need energy. So they obtain energy through respiration

What type of cellular respiration produces more energy?

The most energy (measured by ATP production) produced in cellular respiration is in the Electron Transport Chain/System through oxidative phosphorylation.

How do plants convert food back into energy?

Through cellular respiration.

How is energy and released in ATP?

Through photosynthesis and/or cellular respiration. -anonymous18_K