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Q: What is the smallest human cell the white or red blood cell beside the spermatozoon?
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Are white blood cells the smallest blood cells?

The granule cell of the cerebellum is the smallest cell in the human body, but the red blood cell is the smallest blood cell.

What is the smallest blood vessel in human body?

The smallest blood vessels in the body are called capillaries.

The smallest and most numerous blood vessels in the human body?

The smallest blood vessels are the capillaries.

Which pair of gametes can unite to produce a zygote that will develop into a normal human male embryo?

The male gamete - spermatozoon and the female gamete - ovum.

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A Human Body on my right, a fat human body on my left

What organ in the human body has the smallest bones?

The smallest bone in the human body is the stapes (or stirrup) in the ear.

What is called a tiny vessel?

The smallest vessels in the human body are capillaries. They are the blood vessels that absorb oxygen into the blood and returning blood cells that lack oxygen back into the heart and lungs to be oxidised.

What is the smallest part of a human body?

the human cell

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The smallest blood vessel?

The smallest arteries of the human body are the arterioles, which supply blood into the capillary network from the main arteries (artery-->arteriole-->capillary-->venule-->vein). They hold plasma and filtrates, and are usually only wide enough to hold a single red blood cell at a time (in some cases, they are smaller than a RBC).

What are the smallest veins?

cappillaries==============The smallest veins in the body are the venules. Capillaries join venules and arterioles (the smallest arteries) together. Arteries carry the blood from the heart around the whole body; while veins carry the blood back to the heart. They are joined by the capillaries, where the most important actions happen.More information in related links.

What is the smallest cell in the human body but isn't human?
