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The waxy solid foul smelling discarges from tonsils are called tonsilliths (tonsil lith) or more commonly "tonsil balls or tonsil stones." They form when the crypts of the tonsils capture a food particle and it starts to "fester."

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Q: What is the solid foul-smelling discharge from tonsil crevices?
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What is the name of the stinky white things you cough up sometimes from your throat?

A tonsillolith (also called tonsil stone or calculus of the tonsil) is a piece (or more commonly, a cluster) of calcareous matter which forms in the rear of the mouth, in the crevasses (called crypts) of the palatine tonsils (which are what most people commonly refer to as simply tonsils). Tonsil stones, it is theorized, are the result of a combination of any of the following[1]: * food particles * dead white blood cells (a.k.a. leukocytes) * oral bacteria, possibly from mouth breathing * overactive salivary glands They are described as having a pungent odor[2]: halitosis concentrated into a small solid object. Visually, they may resemble sesame seeds or cottage cheese in color and texture. Protruding tonsilloliths have the feel of a foreign object, lodged between the outside of wisdom teeth and the temporomandibular joint region of the fleshed jaw. They may be an especially uncomfortable nuisance, but are not often harmful.

What is the job of the rectum?

To hold solid waste until it needs to be excreted

What is the large solid spot in the nucleus called?

The large solid spot on the Nucleus is the Nucleolus

Why is a solid medium used to purify microorganisms?

Solid medium is used to purify microorganisms so that the microorganism can develop pure colonies quickly. The most commonly used solid medium is agar.

What is a solute and solvent?

A solute is a solid, being dissolved in liquid. A solvent is the liquid in which the solid, or solute is being dissolved in.

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Make sure the surfaces to be joined are spotlessly clean, and both the surfaces and glue at a good ambient temperature ( ie not very cold or very hot)

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Oxygen is a gas at room temperature. Gold is a solid, water is a liquid, and lightning is an electrical discharge.

Why is it needed to separate solid and liquid pollutants?

first of all we want to know what is pollutant -pollutant is nothing but those material which is responsible for producing the pollution .they may be in solid ,liquid or in gaseous form.examples of solid pollutants are death and decades of animals bodies,for gases-gases from chemneys,co,etc & liquid -discharge of chemicals from industries. and according to your question my answer is ----if we not separate the solid or liquid pollutants then there will be the chemical reaction will take place which may cause a poiseneous reaction which will effect our environment.

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My bunny has a brownish discharge is that bad?

Yes, it is bad if your rabbit has a brownish discharge. If your rabbit has a brownish discharge, it is sick and you should bring it to the vet. See the related questions below for more info and links. A discharge of any colour, from anywhere on a rabbit's body, is a sign of illness, and the rabbit should see a vet with experience and training in rabbits. Normal, healthy feces are solid, brown balls. Normal urine is liquid (not at all thick) -- it could be clear or pale yellow, or it could be reddish, orangish, or dark brownish -- these are all healthy and normal. A thickish brownish discharge from the genitals could be something called "urine sludge," which is not healthy and, without treatment, could lead to serious problems.

What is the name of the stinky white things you cough up sometimes from your throat?

A tonsillolith (also called tonsil stone or calculus of the tonsil) is a piece (or more commonly, a cluster) of calcareous matter which forms in the rear of the mouth, in the crevasses (called crypts) of the palatine tonsils (which are what most people commonly refer to as simply tonsils). Tonsil stones, it is theorized, are the result of a combination of any of the following[1]: * food particles * dead white blood cells (a.k.a. leukocytes) * oral bacteria, possibly from mouth breathing * overactive salivary glands They are described as having a pungent odor[2]: halitosis concentrated into a small solid object. Visually, they may resemble sesame seeds or cottage cheese in color and texture. Protruding tonsilloliths have the feel of a foreign object, lodged between the outside of wisdom teeth and the temporomandibular joint region of the fleshed jaw. They may be an especially uncomfortable nuisance, but are not often harmful.

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