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Stabilizers surround joint or body part. Contact to fixate or stabilize the area to enable for another limb or body segment to exert force or move. In elbow flexion scapula needed to stabilize glenoid humeral joint.

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Q: What is the stabilizer muscle for the bicept brachii?
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The triceps brachii is the muscle of the body primarily used to extend the elbow. It is a long muscle that originates in the scapula.

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A antagonist muscle is a muscle that opposes the action of another muscle. The Triceps Brachii is the antagonist of the Biceps Brachii.

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A antagonist muscle is a muscle that opposes the action of another muscle. The Triceps Brachii is the antagonist of the Biceps Brachii.

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The triceps brachii is the antagonist to the biceps brachii.

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The triceps brachii is the antagonist to the biceps brachii.

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