

What is the study of visceral organs?

Updated: 8/9/2023
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12y ago

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The study of visceral organs is "Angiology".

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Q: What is the study of visceral organs?
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Does visceral refer to structures found on the skin surface?

No, visceral refers to internal organs.

Where are the heart and majority of organs in a mollusk located?

They are located in the visceral mass.

Is heart and spleen visceral organs?

The term visceral means among or around or related to the organs. The term also means organs within the large internal cavities. These organs fit the second definition.

What does the medical term visceral mean and can you give an example?

Visceral is the term meaning "pertaining to the internal organs."

What are visceral metastases?

Cancer that had spead to the internal organs

What is visceral muscle?

It's the muscles that compose organs.

What does the visceral membrane cover?

Viscera denotes the organs in the body cavities. (The heart confined in the Pericardial cavity, the lungs in the Pleural cavity, and the abdominal organs in the Peritoneal cavity). Visceral membrane (visceral serosa) covers those organs. More info could be find on

What is medical term meaning pertaining to organs?

Visceral means pertaining to the viscera, or internal organs.

What serous membrane covers the surface of the abdominal organs?

Viscera denotes the organs in the body cavities. (The heart confined in the Pericardial cavity, the lungs in the Pleural cavity, and the abdominal organs in the Peritoneal cavity). Visceral membrane (visceral serosa) covers those organs.

What are three examples of visceral effector organs?

Three examples of visceral effector organs would be the heart, kidney and liver organs. Effector organs are considered to be muscle and glands, like the mouth and stomach.