

What is the tibia connected to?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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8y ago

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The tibia is connected to the fibula. They are both located on the leg below the knee.

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How are the tibia and fibula connected?

The Tibia and fibula are the only bones connecting knee and ankle. The tibia is the main weight bearing bone. The Fibula provides the top attachments for the muscles which raise the foot pivoting at the ankle. Also muscles for raising and straightening the toes. The Tibia also has the top attachments for the main muscles of the calf which enable one to walk tip-toe with the foot pivoted down at the ankle. Again 'Weight-bearing'. With a smashed Fibula you could still walk if willing. Probably not with a smashed Tibia. Tibia also is a blood cell factory inside the marrow.

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your pelvis is connected to your femur, your femurs connected to your patella, your patellas connected to your tibia, your tibias connected to your fibula, your fibulas connected to your tarsal bones, your tarsal bones connected to your metatarsal bones, your metatarsal bones connected to your phalanges, your phalanges are connected to.... your toe nails?

Are the fibula and the tibia connected in a similair way as the ulna and the radius are?

yes they are because you cant bend both of them like your fingers.

What is the weight-bearing bone of the leg?

the Tibia

What bone is connected to the tibia?

The tibia is the larger of the two bones in the lower leg. The fibula is the smaller of the two. The femur and the patella are above it and the tarsus, or tarsals are at the connection to the ankle. See the related link for more information.

Is the fibula or tibia bigger?

The tibia is the larger and stronger of the two bones in the leg below the knee in vertebrates and connects the knee with the ankle bones while fibula is a leg bone located on the lateral side of the tibia, with which it is connected above and below. It is the smaller of the two bones, and, in proportion to its length, the most slender of all the long bones.

What is the tibia in the thyroid gland?

There is not a tibia in the thyroid gland . . . your tibia is your shin bone.

What is the patella connected to?

It is connected to the tendon of the quadriceps femoris muscle.

Which bone in leg is weight bearing?

All the bones in the human leg are weight bearing except the fibula.