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Q: What is the tissue that binds muscles into functional groups?
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What is perimysium?

Perimysium is the connective tissue that binds muscle fibers into groups. The muscles will be grouped in bundles of 10 to 100.

What type of connective tissue binds skin to muscles?

a general network of fascia

Do ligaments attach muscles to bone?

I do not think a ligament is a muscle. A ligament is what binds two bones together. That is basically what i know

Which type of tissue binds together and supports other tissues and organs?

Connective tissue

Which muscles in the body are likely to have higher concentrations of myoglobin?

Myoglobin is basically a protein that binds oxygen and iron. It is found in the muscle tissue of vertebrates and almost all mammals. It is highly concentrated in skeletal muscles, cardiac muscles and damaged muscle tissues that are similarly known as rhabdomyolysis.

What connective tissue binds bones to bones?


What binds people in groups?

being kind

Connection of muscles to the bone that moves?

tendons Actually that's wrong. Tendons are CONNECTIVE TISSUE that BINDS muscles to bones.. The answer your looking for is actually "Insertion" Or "Insertion Of a Muscle". Also The connection of muscle to a STATIONARY bone is "Origin" Or "Origin Of a Muscle.

What binds skin to underlying organs?

Loose connective tissue binds skin to underlying organs. It forms thin membranes throughout the body and is also known as areolar tissue.

Type of connective tissue that binds skin to underlying muscle?

epithelium tissue

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Binds epithelial tissue to underlining tissues?

Basal membrane.