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immediate surgery

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Q: What is the treatment for free air in the abdomen?
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Related questions

What is free air in the abdomen?

free air in the abdomen often a sign of a leak in the GI tract, trapping air between organs and the abdominal wall.

What is air in the abdomen?

free air in the abdomen often a sign of a leak in the GI tract, trapping air between organs and the abdominal wall.

How do grasshoppers get air?

they have tiny spiracles on their abdomen that help them breathe

Can you suffocate a fly?

Flies "breathe" through spiracles on their abdomen and create air flow by moving the abdomen. To suffocate the fly, simply stop the movement of the abdomen in a completely still atmosphere.

What breathing opening is air forced through in the locust's abdomen?


What is haematenesn?

Haematenesn is a rash on the abdomen spread by the consumption of semen. you can die if you do not seek treatment immediately. good luck!

How do Madagascan Hissing Cockroaches Hiss?

By forcing air through the spiracles on their abdomen.

What does a tarantula use its abdomen for?

The hairs on the abdomen can act as a self defence mechanism. When threatened, they will rub there legs on the abdominal, sending hairs into the air, which can blind and suffocate.

What is the treatment for llq and rlq?

LLQ and RLQ (left lower quadrant and right lower quadrant) are regions of the abdomen, not conditions that need treatment.

Do grasshoppers ventilate?

Yes, grasshoppers do ventilate. When they contract the muscles in their abdomen, it forces air out through the tracheae. The abdomen goes back to its normal state when the muscles relax.

Are there any free Alcohol Treatment Centers ?

Yes there are free alcohol Treatment Centers. Please consult your physician for his/her recommendation.

How do turantulas breathe?

They have a small opening on their abdomen that takes in air and transports it directly to the lungs.