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Q: What is the tree called that giraffes eat from called?
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Whats giraffes favorite plant?

They eat from a tree called the "acacia tree".

Do eagles eat giraffes?

Giraffes eat only plants because they are herbivores

Do giraffes gather food?

No, they just eat it. They eat tree leaves and grasses right from the tree or ground.

What tree is the giraffes favorite tree?

I love giraffes. They are my favorite animal. Their favorite tree to eat from is an acacia trees. Acacia trees have long thorns.

What kind of plants do giraffes eat?

giraffes eats treetop acacia buds and also plants..

Why do giraffes evolved with long necks?

Giraffes evovled with long necks so they can reach the tree and eat the leaves.

What do the giraffes eat in the tropica?

tree leaves primarily acacia leaves

How many twigs giraffes eat?

a tree a day maybe 2

What animals eat the African apricot tree?

I know giraffes can eat leaves and branches from the African apricot tree. Otherwise they normally eat acacia tree's leaves and bark

What d giraffes eat?

Mainly leaves from trees. Their favorite is the Acacia tree.

What animals eat acacia tree?

Giraffes definitely do eat acacie trees they do not mind the ants because of their course, long tongues. possibly other animals too

What are giraffes most favourite thing to eat?

Giraffes are herbivores that primarily eat plants, leaves, berries and fruits. Whether they have a preference for any particular food is not known; they will eat whatever is available in order to survive. They are known to lick the dried carcass meat off bones so perhaps this might be regarded as a treat, but it seems unlikely.