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Q: What is the tube called in which oxygen travels down to the lungs?
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When in the lungs does the blood absorb both oxygen and carbon dioxide?

The Carbon Dioxide is not absorbed into the blood it is only the oxygen. When you breathe in, the air travels down your windpipe, down the bronchi and then down the bronchis. On the end of the bronchioles, there are sacs called alveoli. These have a good blood supply surrounding them. The blood is absorbed through this small sac. The reason it can get through is that the walls of the alveoli are only one cell thick.

What happens to the air that is inhaled?

Do you mean all the oxygen? if so, no. mouth to mouth would not work if the body used it all up.

How does food and oxygen get to a muscle cell in your toe?

Well it doesn't actually carry food down there. The blood carries nutrients and oxygen to your extremities through capillaries. These are very tiny veins that branch off from the veins connected to your arteries. When you prick your finger or toe the blood that comes out is actually from one of these capillaries.

An electrical impulse moving down an axon is called what?

The nerve that travels down a neuron axon is basically Action Potential.It is an electrochemical change that passes through the cell.

How does respiration occur?

when the air pressure outside the body is greater than the air pressure inside the lungs, the lungs fill with air (simple physics). when the alveoli absorb the oxygen and transport the oxygen through the capillaries to the red blood cells, all that's left of the air is carbon dioxide, and probably some nitrogen. the diaphragm (muscle below the lungs) then contracts, forcing whats left of the air out of the lungs, and the entire process repeats itself.there are 4 or more usally. respiration is also the pressure air point. please people do ur own homework.

Related questions

Why is oxygen poor blood pumped to the lungs?

The lungs take in oxygen, this oxygen travels down to the alveoli (thin, permeable sacs), which are covered in blood vessels, and the oxygen travels into the blood due to a pressure difference and CO2 goes from the blood to the lungs to be exhaled. The body needs that oxygen for almost every system in the body.

How does oxygen reach to all your parts of the body?

Oxygen travels through ur blood vessels on your lungs then down to your blood stream.

How does the grey wolf breathe?

through there noseDude, wolves have lungs too.When a gray wolf inhales the oxygen travels down the esophagus and travels the length of the bronchi where the oxygen is removed, it is exahaled as co2

How does oxygen enter the lungs?

How does oxygen get from the lungs into the blood?"The red blood cells go to your lungs and they receive the oxygen you breathe in and take it all around the body and then you exhale which is when the blood returns back to the are probably in Mr. Good's class or is getting the Circulatory System packet that is part of the Life Science textbook.

How does air travel when you inhale?

It travels down the trachea to your lungs.

How do kangaroos obtain oxygen?

They breathe through their nose/mouth, where oxygenated air travels down their trachea (tube to lungs) and ends up in capillaries in their lungs, where "used" (deoxygenated) blood diffuses with the new blood.

When in the lungs does the blood absorb both oxygen and carbon dioxide?

The Carbon Dioxide is not absorbed into the blood it is only the oxygen. When you breathe in, the air travels down your windpipe, down the bronchi and then down the bronchis. On the end of the bronchioles, there are sacs called alveoli. These have a good blood supply surrounding them. The blood is absorbed through this small sac. The reason it can get through is that the walls of the alveoli are only one cell thick.

Does oxygen enter the blood in the heart?

maybe your question goes this way..."how does oxygen enter the blood from the lungs?"Two types of blood vessels carry blood throughout our bodies: The arteries carry oxygenated blood (blood that has received oxygen from the lungs) from the heart to the rest of the body. The blood then travels through the veins back to the heart and lungs, where it receives more oxygen.

What carries air from nose to lungs?

nothing carries it, it travels down your trachea or wind pipe

What happens in the lungs when you breath in air?

The air travels down into your lungs and into small air pockets called capillary The air is then transferred through the capillary as they are really thin. Oxygen from the air is taken in and used around the body and the excess carbon dioxide is breathed back out as t is not needed in the body. You lungs also get bigger as you take a breathe, this creates a larger surface area as the chest goes out. The chest gets smaller as you breathe out as your lungs relax.

What do the lungs do when the diaphragm moves down?

The diaphragm moves down when you breathe in, so your lungs will expand to take in as much oxygen as possible.

What chemicals in cigarette causes lack of oxygen?

none, putting smoke into your lungs restricts the amount of air possible to get into said lungs. However, there is no chemical that can break down oxygen.