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Green. That's why plans try getting rid of it.

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Q: What is the worse color of light for photosynthesis?
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What light color causes no photosynthesis?


Is the color of light important to plants?

Yes, the color of light is very important to the plants, particularly in photosynthesis.

Color of light absorb in the light reactions of photosynthesis?

Red and blue are absorbed, green is reflected.

What is a good catchy title for the question does the light color affect plant growth?

An Analysis of the Color Dependency of Photosynthesis

Energy source of photosynthesis?

the sun since it is white light it has more color. plants have better photosynthesis when in blues and reds light which are absorbed. green is not used so it is reflected giving the color of green in most plants.

A volumeter is used to study what in photosynthesis?

the amount of oxygen produced by the plant in a certain color light

What is the worse light for photosynthesis?

Hitler because he's a Nazi. LOL jokes the actual answer is Jews because they were gassed in the chambers of secrets.

Does the color of light affect the growth of mongo plant?

Yes, the color of light affect the growth of the mongo and any other green plant. This is because some colors of the light, e.g. blue light, do not support photosynthesis.

What is the color of light that is the least useful to plans during photosynthesis?

red and blue light is most useful. But others are not.

What is the color of light not reflected by chlorophyll?

Any but green, mostly red and blue are absorbed by chlorophyll.

Which color of light would you expect to produce the LOWEST rate of photosynthesis?

Green. Only because green is the color appearance and sunlight is only absorbed by the color showing.

What color chemicals compound in plants that absorb light?

the colored compounds in them are chloroplast and chlorophyll that are colored green and absorb light for the process of photosynthesis....