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They may use different resources. Even if one species feeds on another, so long as they don't exhaust their food supply, both species can coexist. Ticks and rabbits coexist, even though ticks feed on rabbit blood. Rabbits and coyotes coexist, even though coyotes feed on rabbits.

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1mo ago

When two species coexist, they occupy different ecological niches to minimize competition for resources. This can lead to specialization and the development of specific adaptations to reduce competition. Mutualistic relationships, where both species benefit, can also promote coexistence by increasing overall fitness.

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8y ago

Each species can not use the same food. If they do, one will cause the other to die off.

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Q: What is true concerning coexistence between two species of organism?
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What is the relationship between the terms species and organism?

An organism is an individual living thing, while a species is a group of organisms that can interbreed to produce fertile offspring. All organisms belong to a species, but a species can consist of many individual organisms.

What is Predator mediated coexistence?

Predator-mediated coexistence is when the presence of a predator in an ecosystem helps promote coexistence among various species by controlling the population size of dominant competitors. Essentially, the predator prevents one species from outcompeting and eliminating others, thereby maintaining a balance in the ecosystem.

What does transitional organism mean?

A transitional organism is an organism that exhibits traits of two different evolutionary stages, showing the evolutionary link between two related species. These organisms can provide valuable insights into how certain traits or features evolved over time. Examples include Archaeopteryx, a transitional species between reptiles and birds, and Tiktaalik, a transitional species between fish and tetrapods.

Which term means the length of time that an organism of a particular species usually lives?

The term for the length of time that an organism of a particular species usually lives is "lifespan." It refers to the duration of life for an individual from birth to death, which can vary between species.

What is the difference between species and organisms?

An organism is an individual living being, while a species is a group of organisms that can reproduce and produce fertile offspring. Organisms refer to a single living entity, while species encompass multiple organisms that share similar characteristics and can interbreed.

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What is the relationship between the terms species and organism?

An organism is an individual living thing, while a species is a group of organisms that can interbreed to produce fertile offspring. All organisms belong to a species, but a species can consist of many individual organisms.

Where is the greatest coexistence between Neanderthals and the early modern Homo sapiens likely to occurred?

The greatest coexistence between Neanderthals and early modern Homo sapiens likely occurred in Europe, particularly in regions such as the Iberian Peninsula and the Balkans. These areas have yielded evidence of interbreeding between the two hominin species, indicating a period of coexistence and potential interaction.

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Where is the greatest coexistence between Neanderthals and early modern Homo sapiens likely have occurred?

The greatest coexistence between Neanderthals and early modern Homo sapiens likely occurred in Europe, particularly in regions such as the Iberian Peninsula and the Balkans where there is evidence of overlapping settlements and possibly interbreeding between the two species.

Exaim the difference between an organism and a species?

An organism is a single-celled life form whereas a species refers to a group of organisms.

Difference between species and organisms?

an organism is 1 living species and species are things that live in a certain area

What is Predator mediated coexistence?

Predator-mediated coexistence is when the presence of a predator in an ecosystem helps promote coexistence among various species by controlling the population size of dominant competitors. Essentially, the predator prevents one species from outcompeting and eliminating others, thereby maintaining a balance in the ecosystem.

What does transitional organism mean?

A transitional organism is an organism that exhibits traits of two different evolutionary stages, showing the evolutionary link between two related species. These organisms can provide valuable insights into how certain traits or features evolved over time. Examples include Archaeopteryx, a transitional species between reptiles and birds, and Tiktaalik, a transitional species between fish and tetrapods.

Difference between habitat and niche?

A niche is a cycle an organism goes through every day to survive. A hahitat is where an organism lives.

Which level of organization lies between organism and community?

Population which is all of the organisms of the same species.

What is the genus and species of a living organism?

The genus and species of an organism are the final specific categories that an organism can be placed in. The genus contains the organism itself, and often it contains closely related species. The species name is unique to each species, and sets it apart from the other related species in the same genus.

Which term means the length of time that an organism of a particular species usually lives?

The term for the length of time that an organism of a particular species usually lives is "lifespan." It refers to the duration of life for an individual from birth to death, which can vary between species.