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Q: What is type A preferred donor and permissible and incompatible donor?
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Does your blood type effect you in any way?

i would not think so but if you transfer your blood to someone els with an incompatible blood type it could kill them.Donor O-, Recipient compatible with any type.Donor O+, Recipient compatible with O+, A+, B+, AB+; incompatible with O-, A-, B-, AB-.Donor A-, Recipient compatible with A-, A+, AB-, AB+; incompatible with O-, O+, B-, B+.Donor A+, Recipient compatible with A+, AB+; incompatible with O-, O+, A-, B-, B+, AB-.Donor AB-, Recipient compatible with AB-, AB+ onlyDonor AB+, Recipient compatible wit AB+ only.

What type of blood can be given to anyone?

O+ :is a universal donor

What blood type described as the unverisal donor is ab?

Blood type O is the universal donor.

What is the unversal donor blood type?

Type O negative.

Which blood type is theoretically considered the universal donor?

The blood type that is theoretically considered the universal donor is type O. Type O blood does not have any antigens, therefore it is compatible with any blood type.

What type of electron pairs make a molecule a good donor?

the lone pair on electron like nh3 make molecule good donor.

Which blood type is a universail donor?

blood type O

Can A positive blood type be a living donor for type O?


What type of donor is a acid?

Bronsted Acid

The blood type that is considered the universal plasma donor is?

Type O

A donor with blood type AB can give blood to someone else with any other blood type?

No. You would have to be a O blood type. That is the "universal" blood donor. The best kind.

What type of donor blood that will not induce a transfusion reaction from type b?

If the recipient has type B blood, they can receive either type B or type O blood. If the donor blood is type B, then the recipient can be either type B or type AB