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what instrument is used to obtain a endocervical tissue

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Q: What is used to obtain an endocervical tissue specimen?
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What tool is used to obtain endocervical tissue?

Endocervical curette.

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If you use one that isn't sterile, you will not know where the bacteria are from. The swab or the area you swabbed.

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It is usually done to obtain genes for antibodies.

Why you are using formalin?

Formalin is used in the clinical and pathology labs to preserve the ova and parasites that might be found in a stool specimen, gastric specimen. Pathology uses formalin to preserve tissue that is removed for exam and special staining.

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Type Specimen

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During a sigmoidoscopy a thin, flexible instrument is used to visually examine the intestinal lining and obtain small tissue specimens

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if you are reffering to field of view, its not exactly the amount of specimen, its mainly used to determine how large a specimen is

What is the use of a cover slip?

It is used to hold the specimen being observed in place. It keeps the microscopic lens from touching the specimen, and it keeps the specimen from being contaminated.

What type of microscope can only be used to view nonliving specimen?

The light microscope and the electron microscope refers to the type of microscope that is used to view the non- living specimen. The non-living specimen is usually placed in a slide.

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What does grossly preserved mean?

Grossly preserved refers to the overall physical appearance or condition of a specimen or tissue that is sufficient for visual examination without the need for a microscope or technical instruments. It suggests that the specimen is recognizable and retains its basic structure and characteristics. It is a term commonly used in medical and scientific fields to describe the macroscopic appearance of tissue samples.

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