

Best Answer

A. positive

B. balanced

C. negative

D. unhealthy

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Q: What kind of environment does homeostasis provide?
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Homeostasis provides what kind of environment?

Homeostasis provides a stable and constant kind of environment. The regulation of body temperature is an example of homeostasis in humans.

What it the process of maintaining a constant internal environment called?

Cellular Homeostasis Homeostasis means to maintain a stable environment.

What is the stable internal environment of cells?

I believe it is "homeostasis". It is a cell's natural resting state.

The process of maintaining a cells environment?

This is called homeostasis.

Which term refers to the body's ability to keep internal conditions the same even though conditions in the environment may change?

Regulatory homeostasis

What is the self adjusting mechanism that helps maintain your internal environment in the cell?


What could happen if an organism could not maintain homeostasis?

it will die because the process of homeostasis is the internal stable environment

What is the ability of an organism to maintain a stable internal environment called?

The ability of an organism to maintain internal stability is known as homeostasis.

Is Homeostasis the maintenance of constant internal conditions in spite of changes in the environment?

Yes. Homeostasis means that the organism's internal environment changes so it is not influenced by the outside environment.

What is the maintenace of a stable environment?

It is called homeostasis.

Regulates the body’s response to its environment?


If a cell is in balance with its environment then?

the cell is homeostasis