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Q: What kind of fish doesn't need an oxygen tank?
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They have also observed the growth of plantlike organisms in the bay. Which is the most likely explanation for the results?

the plantlike organisms are using up all the oxygen, killing the fish

What is biological imortance of air dissolved in water?

Oxygen can be dissolved in water. This is biologically important because animals that live in the water, such as fish, need to get oxygen from the water to perform respiration and live.

What happens when blood reaches tissue that doesnt have enough oxygen?

Once oxygenated blood reaches the capillaries, the velocity of the blood is very slow - which favours the exchange of oxygen. Oxygen therefore diffuses across the walls of the capillaries into the tissues that need it.

Can a goldfish drown?

A fish would drown in water that is not sufficiently oxygenated.Actually the question is not a silly as it sounds and does not only occur when there is not enough oxygen in the water. Under the right conditions (or in this case, the wrong conditions) a fish can actually drown just as surely as a human can. Drowning is caused by suffocation in a body of water, it is accurate to say a fish that is starved of oxygen while in the water has in fact drowned. Fish breathe by taking in oxygen from the water and if the body of water they are living has a depleted oxygen supply, then the fish must either move to a new, oxygen rich area, or drown. During summer months in particular, the deep lakes' oxygen supply can easily become depleted due to animal respiration and decay of vegetation. This causes large groups of fish to die, as they very often refuse to move out of the oxygen-less region. There are even some species of fish that have developed such complex respiratory systems that they can only breath outside of the water. Fish, such as the Climbing Perch fish, can get out of a body of water and survive on land, but many need to breathe our air as well as gaining oxygen in the water. If these fish are forced to stay under water, they will not gain the necessary oxygen they need to survive, resulting in the fish drowning. The Climbing Perch have a respiratory system that is dependent on our oxygen rich air and the fish will drown if forced to stay underwater for to long, no matter how much oxygen is in the water.

Why do plants need to take in oxygen?

The first part got removed, after I had answered this question, the author had it kind of in reverse, so that why I said, this. Sorry, but thats kind of in reverse, plants do not absorb oxygen, they produce oxygen, we breath the oxygen, we also produce carbon dioxide, which is what we ex-hale, and the plants, absorb the carbon dioxide, But yes, after all said and done, we depend on plants, for the oxygen they produce, especially trees , and the rain forests. So thank you God, for makeing a world that works, and thank you plants, for makeing oxygen.