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Multicellular organisms begin as a single cell. These cells then grow and undergo differentiation, the process by which cells develop specialized forms and functions.

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there is a kind of radiation called gamma radiation which mutated the cell to reproduce but to stay as one and over millions of years of that made animals

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A multicellular organism is a living thing that is composed of more than one cell and whose individual cells are not normally able to live singly apart from the organism.

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. Ball sac.

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Q: What makes a group of cells a truly multicelluar organism?
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What does the word tissue mean scientificly?

a tissue is the same group of cells that makes up part of an organism.

What makes humans be considered animalias?

There are two types of cells. Plant cells, and animal cells. Just because people have animal cells, we are not animals. People are also too narrow of a group to become an own organism group.

What makes a group of tissues?

An organism.

What makes us an organism?

multiple cells

What is a collection of identical cells that live together in a connected group?

A collection of cells that function together makes up a tissue. A collection of tissues that function together makes an organ.

What group is a organizers?

A group of organs makes an organ system or a organism.

A group of cells makes up what structure?

A group of cells make up a tissue.

What makes one organism larger than another?

Although weight and mass make organisms differ from each other, it is the number of cells the organism has that makes it its size. Likewise, the more cells the organism has, the bigger it is. The number of cells, not the size of the cells, determine the weight and mass the organism has. Example: An elephant is obviously much bigger than a bear, but due to the fact that it is composed of a greater number of cells.

How many cells are makes up a organism?

all organisms are made of one or more cells and the products of those cells

Are plant cells unicellular or multicellular?

I'm pretty sure it is multicelluler because every cell has its own core and blah blah but there is many cells in a plant so that makes it multicellular

What makes a multi-celled organism different from one that is single-cell?

In a single-celled organism (Unicellular organism), one cell carries out all the functions of the body. For example, transporting nutrients, excretion ,etc are performed by the single cell which makes up the organism. In a multi-cellular organism, on the other hand, various cells arrange or group themselves to perform certain or particular functions. They are specialized to perform any one type of function. This is what makes up tissues, organs and ogran systems in a multi-cellular organism. One group of cells performs one function. For example, blood corpuscles are of different types. One type (WBCs) helps in fighting diseases, another type (RBCs) will help in transporting oxygen to various cells and so on.

What makes an organism multicellular?

that it has many cells that are able to carry out specific tasks